The judge of the National Court Santiago Pedraz has prosecuted the two women who were repatriated a year ago from Syria, where they had been transferred to a detention camp with their children, for the crime of integration into the Daesh terrorist organization. Both were detained upon arrival at the Torrejón de Ardoz airport and the nine minors were left in the care of social services.

The investigating magistrate explains that Yolanda Martínez Cobos and Luna Fernández Grande, who remain in provisional prison, participated in Spain in activities in favor of the jihadist organization, prior to their voluntary displacement to the Syrian-Iraqi conflict zone with their husbands, ” accepting the same fate as them once the pseudocaliphate was proclaimed in June 2014 by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and with full willingness to maintain their integration into the aforementioned terrorist organization.”

Pedraz points out that the two defendants had “a prominent role” during their stay in Spain within the group of women of the members of the dismantled Al-Andalus Brigade, maintaining contacts with other women who served “to introduce the converts into a rigorous vision of Islam”.

The judge adds that they both subsequently moved to the conflict zone with their husbands, “sharing and accepting the same destiny as them, with the full will to be part of the organization and the purpose of putting all their capacity at their disposal in the functions that the organization itself assigned to them”.

The investigation, it continues, has revealed that the two women “always showed their willingness” to be members of Daesh and that “they only requested to be repatriated to Spain after the siege and fall of the Syrian city of Baguz” and because of the living conditions of the camp in which they had been held.

The magistrate recalls that the case contains a video from 2019 in which both reveal their links to Daesh. He, Luna Fernández, says: “I am Muslim and I am not going to renounce my religion and as many countries make their laws, Allah has made a law and He knows, we do not know.” The words, says the judge, reflect “the internalization of a radical and extremist vision of Islam, where Sharia or Islamic law prevails over the legislation of the countries.”

In the same video, Yolanda Martínez states: “I arrived without knowing it, but I was very happy. They gave us a house and my husband a job in the ISIS court, running errands. We finally had a stable economic situation.” According to the judge, this is an indication of their membership in the organization, “since only its members were given a house and were given a job in the administration” of the territory controlled by Daesh.

The resolution also includes the indoctrination work carried out by those investigated with their children and other minors in their care in favor of Daesh.

The order includes the doctrine of the Supreme Court in relation to integration into a terrorist organization, which does not necessarily require participation in violent acts. The crime is also committed when other functions other than “promoting” the activities of the terrorist organization are performed.