The Provincial Court of Madrid has sentenced Francisco Nicolás Gómez Iglesias, Little Nicolás, to four years and three months in prison for integrating a plot with police officers to obtain confidential data, such as license plates, which he later used to pose as a member of the Government.

The sentence, released this Wednesday by the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM), considers him an inducer of discovery and disclosure of secrets, violation of official secrets and author of a crime of active bribery.

The Prosecutor’s Office requested nine years and nine months for Gómez Iglesias -the highest in the five trials he has faced- and a fine of 54,000 euros in this process, which was the main case that was opened in court after being arrested in October 2014 for posing as a member of the Government and the National Intelligence Center (CNI). From it emanated others already filed or judged.

The magistrates also sentence the two municipal police officers on trial to four years and 3 months in jail; the civil guard prosecuted for a year and a half in prison, and the person in charge of Madrid City Council Security, Emilio García Grande, was fined 3,600 euros.

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