The president of the General Council of the Judiciary, Rafael Mozo, has just accepted the resignation of the member appointed at the proposal of Izquierda Unida, Concepción Sáez.

According to legal sources to EL MUNDO, Mozo has informed the directors this Friday that he accepts the resignation. Sáez affirmed that he was leaving the governing body of judges considering that the situation was “unsustainable” since the Council has had its mandate expired since December 2018. He also assured that his departure was taking place to avoid further institutional degradation.

In the decree by which the resignation is admitted, the following is maintained: “By virtue of the provisions of article 582.1 of the Organic Law of the Judiciary and article 6 of Regulation 1/1986, I accept the resignation formulated by the Hon. Ms. María Concepción Sáez Rodríguez as Member of the General Council of the Judiciary, for the reasons stated in her letter, which was entered in the Registry of the General Council of the Judiciary on March 29 and which was ratified before the Plenary of the Council General of the Judiciary held on March 30, 2023. This resignation will take effect on April 1, with gratitude for the services rendered and recognition of his dedication and professionalism during the long period in which he has performed his duties”.

In the letter referred to in the Mozo decree, the member assured that “she had trusted that the renewal of this Council would take place at some point in the successive occasions on which it seemed imminent and, due to an excessive and perhaps mistaken sense of responsibility, had been enduring the passing of the months and years, not without restlessness or discomfort”.

Sáez, who during these years has always been a loose verse within the CGPJ, had assured that he had “run out of patience” and that he considered “legally and politically useless my continuity in this scenario of radical and perhaps already irreversible degradation of the institution”.

In the plenary session held this Thursday, several members had stated that they considered his resignation inappropriate, justifying himself on “political grounds.” However, it was the alternate president of the Council who had the last word on the resignation, which will take effect tomorrow.

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