If he was now 18 years old, “Of course I would be Torero again; It takes a lot of fear, but it is enjoyed as nothing”.
“Of course I would like to marry Carmen for the Church.”
There are two resounding statements of Curro Romero.

The teacher received a multitud farming a few days ago in Seville coinciding with his 88th birthday, during the presentation of the documentary about his life Curro Romero.
Time teacher.
“I felt very wrapped up and dear by all my colleagues and for the people in general, I was very excited,” says the right-handetro.
Especially when they sang a happy birthday that the bullfighter heard “differently, when these unique artists were singing that they were on stage.”

Curro, introverted and a few words, agreed to star in this tape in which “I have seen myself differently as I thought it was, because I keep everything for me, and I did not recognize myself with the things I was saying, although
I would have always felt. ”

Also his wife, Carmen Tello, felt “very excited, very full and satisfied to see that theater crowded on foot, excited, giving that love tremendous to Curro which is what he deserved and wanted people to show him.”

For the pharaoh of beds, “being bullfighter is something I felt since I was small, something that can not be explained. The test is that I never wanted to go from the bullfight. I was bulging about 67 years, for my hobby and the
Love that I had the bulls. ”

His art has led the public to feel a huge admiration for him, and the skill knows it.
“Above all, I have felt loved; they have been followed, they have been expected and I have been faithful. That is my satisfaction.”

Something will have done well … “I have always been a very peaceful person, I have lived for me, I have not gotten into anyone’s life, I have always gone for life by law, and I think people know that I do not like
Let me acclaim a lot, I’ve been a simple man. Maybe that’s what he has made me admire me. And the people realize that I have been what is called pure, “he explains.

A town that supports the national holiday.
“I do not enter into topics of politicians, each one to your site, I’m not who to tell you anything, the people and fans are the ones who have to say it. The squares are full. Detractors there are few, but they make a lot of noise.”

Curro has lived much in the world of the bull, from which he stays mainly with “the liturgy, to forgive his life to a bull for his nobility, beauty and bravery. That is the most beautiful. Besides, thanks to the bull I have been able to meet and
Enter the life of very important people, painters, sculptors, flamingos … artists of all kinds “.

It feels satisfied with “having been able to give people what I wanted”, and its newly fulfilled 88 years only has in the head “giving thanks, because I have turned one more year, and because I am alive and caught, that with this age it is
the most important”.

A birthday he celebrated quietly.
After the presentation of the documentary, “I ended tiredly, and after all that wonder that there was in the theater, I celebrated resting in my house with Carmen. We’ll have time to celebrate it both. We even celebrated it many times without having to be a

Because for Curro Romero, his wife, Carmen Tello “means everything. When I turned, I was playing my life, I just remembered her.”

As reserved as always, the teacher leaves personal issues in the hands of Carmen.
“She is the one who talks about those things, like the wedding, I, what she wants”.

After 27 years together, Carmen and Curro continue to marry the church, something that seems to arrive soon.
“We thought about it from the beginning, but as it could not be, we got married for the civil in 2003. Life continued, my children became older, and the pity is that my father [Enrique Tello] is no longer here and my
Mother [Carmen Barbadillo] is not right, because I would have liked to see our religious wedding. But hey, it could not be and nothing happens. ”

Curro Romero married at the Church of Jerónimos de Madrid with Concha Márquez Piquer in October 1962. Concha was even a minor when he married the right hand, despite the initial opposition of her parents, who ended up accepting
The relationship in view of the insistence of the couple.

Of that marriage, two daughters, concha and coral were born, which died in traffic accident in 1986. A hard hit occurred four years after the divorce of the couple (in 1982), although that union never received ecclesiastical annulment.
In her book myself, the daughter of Doña Concha Piquer assured that she was “limited to tell the truth in the process of marriage nullity. It is the court of the ratio who has to pronounce.”
This prevented Curro and Carmen Tello to marry the Church, so they did it for civilians in February 2003. Concha, who rehabilate her life with Ramiro Oliveros, died last October for a lung infection.

Wedding bells are already sounded for both, because marrying the church with Curro is “an illusion and a huge satisfaction for my father, whom I wanted so much, that he will be up there looking at us. This wedding means closing everything that was missing in us.
It is a seal of both of them, for my beliefs, for me and for my family. And for Curro, who also had that illusion. ”

Tello advances that the wedding will be intimate.
“Very discreet and familiar; only the daughter of Curro, my children, his sisters and my brothers, because as you begin to call some and others because they are intimate and others, we put ourselves in 200 people. We want to get married accompanied only by the family,
About 10 or 15 people. So we will enjoy even more. ”

With such a reduced quota, aiming towards possible sponsors is not difficult.
“We have not thought about nothing, because we have not sat down the two of us yet to see how we organize it, we have just had the documentary and the series, now Christmas arrive and, when they pass, we will be both talking to the family
. But for that we need time, because you have to have some documents, and do not get overnight. It will not be late, but not so soon. If we have been 28 years old, what else to wait for example two months? ”

Although Carmen has not yet entered at Faena, he has taken some return to his wedding dress.
“It will also depend on whether it is in January or in the spring. But I think it will be very simple, a smooth color, something like a dress with a matching coat over. And Curro, with his blue suit and it’s already”.

That scene could be seen in front of some of the images that marriage is devoted, although they have not yet decided whether it will be like that or in another temple.
“We are brothers of the gypsies and the puppy, but we also like the macarena, the great power … we love all, we do not know where it will be. Of the wedding we have spoken above. Curro has been recording, and with what
From the Covid has been a long time at home. ”

The sons of Carmen -Fruto of his marriage with Miguel de Solís Martínez Campos, current Marquis of the motilla and Marquis of Valencina – have an excellent relationship with Curro Romero.
Above all Enrique.
“Curro has always liked children very much. Curro came home to dinner; I was with the two little ones, because the older one was in Navarre studying. Enrique as little did not stop, and Curro had a lot of patience with him. The children did
With him what they wanted. In Marbella, we lived in two houses, he in one and me on next door with the children, and they were always organizing them plans. Curro did everything the children wanted. And all with a lot of peace. ”

Enrique has said publicly how much he wants to curro, which is even for him as a second father.
“He wants him a barbarity. Besides, Curro does not come into the game and there is no way to get angry with him, because he is removed from between. I never gave me the reason before the children or to them in front of me, I had a
Skill … It has always been very intelligent, “he recalls.

Carmen’s father was a great torque fan.
But her hobby came to her “The first time I saw Curro Tortear, I was 10 years old. My grandmother and grandmother spoke a lot, because that of Curro was antiquarian; I was very talking about his grandson and asked us to laugh a lot for him
, because I was a kid, so that I was lucky. I heard about Curro a lot from always. ”

That first time was just the famous cumshot of the six bulls of Urquijo at the Plaza de la Maestranza de Seville, in 1966. “My father took me and I was lucky to see something that I think has not seen again since then
In Seville. I was recorded. Because when Curro is fine, do not forget. ”

He spent time and both coincided in a tenty with more friends at Fernando Domecq’s house.
It was there when they met.
“He was a very quiet, timid and introverted man, we do not talk about anything, we even ate all together and spoke little.”

The skill began to frequent the same circles that Carmen, and began to see more.
“It fell a great time, because he was a very serious person, and he caught us darling. We were rarely seen, when he lived in Marbella and came to Seville to tempt winter.”

Later, Carmen separated from Miguel de Solís – a marriage that received ecclesiastical cancellation.
She did not pass for a good personal time.

“I went north with my little children and some friends, he learned that I was there and showed up, and that was when we treat each other much more, and we saw the grace I had and what he was. Because it’s good until
Say enough. And noble. I did not have an evil, it seemed like a child with the children of my friends and mine. That’s when I realized that I loved a lot and that I was falling in love with him. ”