The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, warned again against the Forum of Sao Paulo and the group of Puebla (led by Lula da Silva) and against the “communist” political movements in Hispanic America.
This time, Abascal launched the messages of him from Brazil, within the framework of the Promotion of the Manifesto de Madrid, sponsored by VOX through its Disence Foundation.
And he was forceful in his speech: “We have to unmask the Forum of Sao Paulo and put an end to their criminal recipes.”

Abascal participated last night at the political conference ‘Brazil Deep’, organized by the Conservative-Liberal Institute, a center of thought, reflection and intellectual creation oriented to the battle of ideas against cultural Marxism.

Invited by Eduardo Bolsonaro, a more voted deputy of the history of Brazil, Abascal has denounced the Sao Paulo Forum strategy and the group of Puebla: “Do not deceive us, we know them very well. After their good words and their sugary speeches, after
Its colors and their smiles, is the same totalitarian and liberticular project as always. We have to unmask them and send their criminal recipes to the basin of history. ”

“Spain and Brazil have a past and a present in common, they have not been able to with our countries nor the separatist movements nor the globalist oligarchies, we are part of a community of 700 millions of speakers of two sister languages, a community that has never looked at the
Color of the skin and now has to become a decisive pole for the next world, “said Vox leader.

Abascal has dedicated part of his intervention to the defense of life and family.
“We have to affirm with rotundity, with joy, with enthusiasm, that the family is the basic institution of society, that the family is love, solidarity, disinterested delivery, care and transmission of knowledge. The family is, in short, a shelter
Before the powerful who want to tell us how to live, how we have to speak or to whom we have to love, “he said.

Abascal has closed his speech with a message of rejection of “progressive cultural hegemony”.
“Faced with the leftist consensus, we have to oppose the consensus of the current man, the consensus of common sense”.
And it has detailed its proposal: “The consensus of simple men who day-by-day raise their homes and their families, the consensus of mothers who work from Sun to Sun to take care of their children, the consensus of those who believe in culture
From work and effort. The consensus of grandparents who want security and order in the streets and in their homes. The consensus, in short, of the new Brazil that alborea, of the new Spain of tomorrow, of the Iberosphere of the future: free
of communism, live, proud, standing “.