The announcement is reminiscent of the legendary words of Neil Armstrong, as this began in July 1969 the first man set foot on the moon. “A big step for the Braubach street, a little further step in the car-free city centre”, – stated in the press release from the city. The fact is that in the past few weeks, 20 car Parking spaces have been eliminated at the Braubach street between Römerberg and the domstrasse.

Ralf Euler

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung, responsible for the Rhine-Main-part of the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

instead Of 56 Parking spaces for bicycles are to be found now, also 170 square feet of additional area for outdoor dining on both sides of the Braubach street won. There, where until the month of June for a fee for cars parked could be, sitting now, from the street only by a few potted green plants separately, the restaurant, visitors eat lunch in the sun.

The North side of the Braubach road will be completely car-free. Only about eight Parking spaces on the South side for traffic delivery in the old town, two Parking spaces for Taxis and disabled Parking remained. “Less car traffic means in the city more quality of life,” says mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD), as he presents on Thursday, together with the head of the Traffic Department, Klaus Oesterling (SPD) and health head of Department Stefan Majer (Green), the “reorganization” of the “culture mile Braubach street”.

A “new charm”

With the “summer gardens” on the side of the street have received a “whole new charm,” says the mayor. Regardless of Corona, it was the goal of the city, the Braubach street upgrade and to help the caterers with additional entertaining areas.

A “car-free city centre”, how she wanted his party there would be probably only under the successor of the successor of his successor, says head of the Traffic Department Oesterling. The “rearrangement” of Braubach street, no matter how insignificant it may appear at first sight, seems to he but for transport policy, leading the way.

He have also been a few other streets in the head, where car Parking spaces were, in his view dispensable, for example, at the white eagle lane. Other examples of non-don’t want to call the head of the Department to make the chickens unnecessarily shy; Feldmann brings still the Töngesgasse into the conversation.

Only a few metal-iron

health head of Department Majer, who has his office at the Braubach street, points out that a badly parked car had been often a obstacle for the road. He speaks of the “incredible recklessness” of some of the drivers and be happy “as a passionate cyclist,” that it is now even more attractive would be to come up with the bike in the city centre.

are, in fact, the new metal free iron to Connect the wheels in the lunch only a few. The two wooden benches, the block of two former car Parking spaces in the amount of the domstrasse, on the other hand remain unused. This could be related to the fact that they are situated directly on the roadside, with a view to the Tempo 50 to the passing cars.