Daniel Gascon likes to cite the next phrase of Woody Allen: “The intellectuals are like the mafia: they are only killed between them.”
He does it with ironic africa: he himself says that “today is more debated about the debates than about anything else.”

The translation is evident: even inhabiting within them, Gascón (Zaragoza, 1981) knows that verbal storms today, on social networks and in the media, often happen in water vessels, and rarely reach the public
Wide and the real world.

“It would take hours to give a context to people who are not on Twitter, explaining any bullshit of which we spent hours discussing.
What can only want to say one thing: that we discussed about bobada, “she regrets it.
“In those debates about the debates many times you do not speak of the matter in itself, but about your position and that of the other, about your side and that of the other, looking for the applause of your banking.
It is very tired ».

The great-debates-of-our-time, come to say, are too many times lures for our little egos, when not interested rhetorical movements calculated on Twitter, “that social network of journalists where many journalists are not,” says Gascon, a
Good conversationalist, editor of the magazine Free letters, writer and columnist in the country.

One is encouraged to launch him: Are there an opinion?
Is there a bubble?
“Well, that like asking a writer: ‘Do not you think it’s been too published?'” He laughs (she has caught it).
“I have learned a lot from many columnists,” she comes to respond, as elegantly as he can.

Gascon’s curious, entering matters, is his successful transit of analysis and opinion, always in the environment of politics, humorous fiction.
In addition to writing about social typologies, the Aragonese writer began to fabulate ironically with them, creating characters, in several comic texts in his own magazine.
The thing grew so much that his character, Enrique Notivol, a Modernillo Urbanita who is going to live in the field “in search of authenticity”, has already leading two novels, whose rights has bought netflix in case it stood for a series or something.

The second, the death of Hispter (Random House), is now published, and in it Notivol is already the mayor of the town, and the same faces the confinement of the Covid that the secessionist challenge of the farmhouses of La Rambla, always trying to transplant the
Gender perspective, veganism and ultimately marasña to a people, mentally, placed in Lower Aragon.

“The idea continues to oppose the field and the city, that shock of identities, with the clichés on each side,” Gascon, which has achieved a curious and healthy vehicle to ironize over the many bullshit of the alleged modernity.
“I lived in peoples of Bajo Aragon between 10 and 14, my mother was interim over there and we were going, that’s why I know that.
Not to go see my grandparents to the town, but to spend the winter there. ”

Do not leave today intellectuals capable of weaving fictions with critical vocation, in addition to analyzing with coldness somewhat academics our prosecular world: “I started a little for fun and I thought that people could have fun like me,” says Gascon, with a stop
False modesty for the unexpected success of the two novels – also the Quixote should be considered a minor literature, by parody, and yet look.

Their jokes on behalf of the Hypster contain dawn echoes that is not little, girl, the Woody Allen himself, welcome Mr. Marshall and he says that Christopher Hitchens.
Background, Spain Empty, or emptied, one no longer knows: “In Alcañiz, presenting the previous book, they told me that they were going to steal, they got the car in a ditch and had to go the mayor to take it out.
I had it to put in this book, of course. ”

«The important thing is that the cities of the medium size of the field do not die, it is most of what we can aspire,” postulates, before relativizing the clichés: “In the city we say that what can use both the car, but the other
Day I met a councilor of culture that lived in the town next door, and worked on a third party, imagine. ”

Come on, as we said, with the debates sometimes inanes.
One very in Boga: Do young people live today worse than their parents?
«You live better now.
The access of young people to work is precarious, but many people left the towns because it was very precarious.
And what about sentimental relationships was also very hard.
I have had more facilities than my parents, “Gascon says:” The affection and recognizing what they have done for us can not imply that I have to taste more of their time than mine. ”

“My grandfather came from a small farmhouse from Teruel, and started in a mine working, little, because he had been lame with polio.
He had to go to Zaragoza because they did not pay a debt, and there he worked in a spar and got a good pension thanks to democracy and Europe.
That is why I can not share any rejection of the market economy, “she released.

Wars, can they really be cultural?
“The ones now say yes, you see.
I think it’s an impoverishing concept.
We like to put names different from always things. ”

And, again about debatódromo and the opinion: “One thing that has influenced a lot in these enclosures, I think, it is the pandemic: we discussed without looking at the face, without seeing us the faces.
Now that the thing loosen, you have to stay and see yourself, “Daniel Gascón ends.