There is no indication that the possible Russian drone debris found in Romania is a sign of a deliberate Russian attack against this NATO member country, its Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday (September 7).

The latter specified that Romania had informed the Atlantic Alliance of this discovery which demonstrates “the risk of incidents and accidents”, he affirmed before the European deputies in Brussels. “We have no information indicating a deliberate attack by Russia and we await the results of the ongoing investigation,” he added, during a hearing before the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee European.

“Beyond this result, what we have seen is intense fighting and air attacks near NATO borders,” added Jens Stoltenberg.

For his part, American Secretary of State Antony Blinken, visiting Ukraine, had a telephone conversation on the ongoing investigation with his Romanian counterpart Luminita Odobescu, according to the State Department. They also discussed the possibility of “additional cooperation to preserve airspace security,” said State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, who had firmly denied the day before the presence of any debris on Romanian soil, announced on Wednesday that he had requested an “urgent investigation”.

Any attack against one of the countries belonging to the Atlantic Alliance presents the risk of being drawn into a war against Russia, a nuclear power, because of the defense pact which binds all its members.