The first six Leopard 2A4s that Spain has upgraded for Ukraine will be sent to the front after Easter. This was revealed by the Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, during her interpellation in the Congress of Deputies.

These are the six cars that the Spanish Executive initially promised Zelensky and that have been fine-tuned in Santa Bárbara, since they had been stored for a decade at the Casetas Logistics Base, in Zaragoza. A few weeks later, Spain will send the other four Leopards that Sánchez promised the President of Ukraine during his second visit to the country, as the person in charge of Defense has also explained.

Robles has been very critical during his appearance with those who accuse the Ministry of contributing to the escalation of the war. A statement that comes from United We Can, a member of the Government. “The Leopards have a single objective: the defense of a heroic population,” said the minister. “I find it difficult to understand that we start talking about someone being able to determine that the shipment of material is an escalation of war, what peace do we want?” She asked herself.

Robles has insisted that the only way to support Ukraine is to continue sending this type of material, “doing everything necessary to achieve real peace,” he said. For this reason, he has promised that Spain will continue to send “humanitarian material and defensive military material” to Ukraine. He also recalled that diplomatic channels have not yet been closed to try to achieve peace.

After fine-tuning the tanks in a fourth-step review, the most exhaustive there is, the armored vehicles have moved to the Cerro Muriano maneuver field in Córdoba, where firing maneuvers are already being carried out these days to check their operation. In Ukraine, the 55 soldiers that Spain trained in San Gregorio are waiting for the management and maintenance of these Leopards, and who will be the people designated to take them to the front.

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