“Sickening”. It is by this term that the intersyndicale of the group NextRadioTV (Altice), mother house of BFMTV and RMC, complained about the vast plan of social in the enterprise. In fact, the group’s management announced last week want to remove between 330 and 380 permanent positions in france and up to 200 jobs to freelancers and contract workers.

read also : The mother house of BFM and RMC provides up to 380 job cuts, according to unions

to address this, a call to a 24-hour strike for this Wednesday to BFMTV, RMC, and in the other media group NextRadioTV has been approved at a general meeting of employees Tuesday, a-t-on learned from union sources. This stop-work threat, including the dissemination of the debate for the 2nd round of the municipal to Paris, scheduled for Wednesday evening on BFMTV and BFM Paris.

“This cup drastic is incomprehensible in a group that performs structurally benefits”, emphasized last week the representatives of the employees. “Our goal will be to limit as much as possible the impact on the positions permanent and to continue the excellence in editorial, while developing the technological skills and the commercial forces that are essential to NextRadioTV”, responded his side the group.

The editorial team conseilleAlain Weill: “We need to reduce the workforce by NextRadioTV”43 commentairesramniatagrobis_bisle 23/06/2020 16:41

That they would strike for as long as they want, all the world cares. The journalists of BFMTV did since the election campaign of 2017, ceased to sing the praises of Macron on all of the tones. They should not, therefore, have reason to complain, they have the policy that they were calling.

lamichele 23/06/2020 16:38

finally, 24 hours without hearing stupid things

GTOUVUle 23/06/2020 16:36

There was a Brunet who is honest on this string
All the others are either cleaners of pump macron or journalists of 3rd class

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