the Long-awaited, always postponed, the reform for care of the elderly dependency happens this Monday in session at the Assembly. Mps will be voting on two draft laws – one ordinary, the other organic – “relating to the social debt and the self”, which provide for the creation of a fifth branch of social Security to cover the French against the risk of loss of autonomy. This new branch will complement the four existing, which cover illness, old age, family and work-related accidents.

The crisis of the Covid, which has underscored the fragility of long-term care facilities, has accelerated this decision. And, even if Emmanuel Macron was committed well before the epidemic to act… as early As June 2018, the head of State had already promised to end 2019 a great law dependence that is encalminée because of the strikes against the pension reform. Here it is discount on the trade. “We lay the first stone of a reform of the highly anticipated, welcomed Olivier Véran, minister of Health and Solidarity, on Monday last, before the special commission, which has adopted the two bills. It is an historic decision. As in 1945 for illness or accidents in the workplace, we create a new public insurance against what has become a new risk.” A new branch is necessary to tackle the “wall-population” which rises to the horizon: in 2040, nearly 15 % of the population, or 10.6 million people, will have 75 or more years. That is, two times more than today!

see also : Thomas Mesnier mp true Macron, will have to make its evidence to the Assembly

Remains that the opposition, left as well as right-wing, denounces the lack of financing of this new risk. The bill provides at the same time the transfer of 136 billion euros of debt at the health clinic: $ 31 billion of deficits past, 13 billion of debt takeover of hospitals and 92 billion of debt linked to the loss of pension contributions during the epidemic. This debt will be reimbursed by the Fund for amortisation of the social debt (Cades), which was shut down in 2024, but has been extended until 2033, and will benefit from revenue perennial (RIF, CRDS and CSG). Next, the new branch dependency will receive from 2024 funding of 0.15 point of CSG, or € 2.3 billion per year. A very small amount… In fact, the need for additional funding for the loss of autonomy of elderly and people with disabilities is evaluated in march 2019, the report Libault, to $ 4.5 billion per year today to over 9 billion by 2030, of amounts which are added to the 30 billion already being spent each year to addiction. “It should be funding much more ambitious. We hope that the funding of the dependency starts as early as 2021, and is at the height of the challenge,” argues the mp LR Bernard Perrut, believing it was necessary “that the State pays the compensation of exemptions from contributions and assumption of debt of hospitals”.

political Manipulation

Even the sound of a bell in front. “The social policy is going to be private for nine years of a ten billion euros per year of CSG, CRDS and unemployment contribution, which will go to the repayment of the debt of Cades”, denounces the mp PS Boris Vallaud, regretting that the government prefers to “pay off the debt rather than satisfy the social needs”. Ditto for Caroline Fiat, which sees a pretty political manipulation. “The government digs the hole Safely. And to make pass the pill, it communicates on the creation of a fifth branch dependency,” condemns the member BIA.

see also : The deficit of the Safely revised to 52.2 billion euros in 2020

“No question of increasing contributions with a share of CSG new related to autonomy. The decision of the government is to not raise taxes,” said Olivier Véran. “The opposition is not happy because she would have loved to make this reform”, defends mp LREM Stéphanie Rist, who acknowledges that “funding is a real issue. But create already the tool that allows us to have this debate”.

Dominique Libault, president of the High Council of social protection and wise on these matters, lies between the two camps. “In the immediate future, there is no upheaval in the concrete but it is a carrier of a dynamic, ja-t-it. And in twenty or thirty years, it is quite possible that this is regarded as a turning point key to social protection.”

SujetsDépendanceAutonomieSécurité socialeOlivier VéranAucun comment

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