With a minimum interprofessional (SMI) salary that has already reached 1,000 euros in 14 pays, the rise of salaries is the battle horse that will give continuity to the intense calendar of social dialogue between employers, unions and also the government in the next

Survened the milestone of labor reform as a bitter victory, the Ministry of Labor led by Yolanda Díaz already advanced yesterday that the level reached by the SMI in 2022 has already enough entity to press the salaries in general and that this dynamic has
As a goal to convert labor costs into a secondary issue against productivity in the change of economic model pursued by the government.

In this project, at least by this way, Díaz only has union support.
CEOE and CEPYME have abandoned her in the last two rises that he has imposed with increasingly sound criticism of applying uploaded by decree in the labor market.
The Vice President said yesterday yesterday with a rise of 3.6% in minimal legal remunerations – up to 1,000 euros in 14 pays since January 1 – will continue in 2023 without reference than reaching 60%
of the average salary.

The possibility that climbing affects the most vulnerable collectives in the labor market as young and women are not entered into this roadmap.
Labor said yesterday that sectors such as agriculture -where 40% of workers charges the minimum wage – or autonomous are today present record figures of affiliation.
With these data and against the conclusions of the Bank of Spain Study Service, the Vice President, said that “it is not true” that the SMI rises destroy employment.

Although it is the second time that it must impose a decision for not having its approval, the Vice President Díaz ruled out that it can be interpreted as a deterioration of his relations with the employers.
“Social dialogue enjoys good health and is an example in the world, it is a lighthouse that is looking at many actors,” was launched, asserting that the effects of labor reform that was at very little shipwrecked in Congress are already benefiting
Spanish workers when recording records of affiliation in sectors such as agriculture or self-employed workers.

The unions CCOO and UGT, which already estimate that this last rise directly affects 1.8 million workers, encrypted that level at 1,063 euros per month or 14,800 euros per year, that is, 6.3% more than the current minimum payroll.
The calculation elaborated by UGT, however, exceeds the report of the Advisory Commission for the SMI commissioned by work, which estimated that 60% of the average salary would correspond to 1,027 euros in 14 pays.

Be that as it is, the support of CCOO and UGT on the path marked by Díaz on SMI since its arrival at the Ministry of Labor in 2019 has been very relevant and yesterday warned the employer that the 1,027 euros raised by the Advisory Commission can
Recalculate up up.
The pressure of UNIÑO and Pepe Álvarez has been in this case more effective than in the case of labor reform, where the irruption of the Vice President of Economic Affairs Nadia Calviño in social dialogue last October changed the course of negotiations
To deactivate the repeal of the 2012 frame and convert it into an update.
Since the arrival of Pedro Sánchez to the Government, the SMI has been revalued at 36%, as it passed from 735 euros in 14 pays to the current 1,000 euros.

In the coming months, employers and workers’ representatives will begin to negotiate the new agreement for employment and collective bargaining (AEIN) in which, in addition to Diaz’s support, unions already have the new tools that it gives them the
Labor reform to put pressure on companies for salary increases.

In fact, in January and the heat of the UGT inflation escalation he warned in January that it would ask for a 5% rise in the negotiation of the agreements as compensation for the rise of the IPC.
CCOO, more moderate, placed the possibility of an increase agreed two or three years, an allusion to AENC, which is agreed with that time period.
Again, the trend collides with the Bank of Spain’s approaches, despite admitting that disproportionate inflation will continue to present for longer in the economy, recommends salary containment to avoid the so-called second round effects.