The public has decided that it is FRIGENTI who stays.
On Thursday, Adara or Cristina will leave.
Miguel is positioned and asks you to save Adara.

Cristina insists that she is going to try to be well these two days until Thursday, which were just nerves and that she will not live expulsion as a war because it is not.

A little before finishing, there is a confrontation between Dani and Adara.
She complains that they have turned her back from her and called her ‘payasa’.
We will have to wait until tomorrow to find out if Cristina and Luca return to recover your good tune, after some misunderstandings during the gala.
Italian has made it very easy because he has had some precious words for the nominee.

Thursday will be a vibrant program!
An advance forward as commented by Carlos when starting the program.
See ya!

Sobine: ” The public has decided that it must stay at the House of the Secrets: Miguel

Dani has called ‘Payasa’ to Adara.
For always.
Adara asks him not to insult him and Dani replicates: ” It is a profession that makes many people laugh, and that each one takes it as she wants. ”

Lucia relative presents the prize for the best screenwriter to invent stories.
There are no nominees, just a winner: Luis Rollán.
“I dedicate it to those who are no longer, who have endured me, especially by María Rihanna. ” Adara recognizes that she has voted the Gemeliers for his fantasy stories.
Julen has titled his movie ‘trapped in a piped.’
And her vote was for Cristina, as in five other categories.

The prize for the best makeup for his falsehood is for Adara.
It already has three prizes.
” This is always put on small groups and they always go for them. “Luca, Gemeliers and Lluis voted.

Natalia sends a message to Jesus, her boyfriend.
” You never let go though, sometimes, at all. ”

Jesus prepares two gifts for his girlfriend: a bouquet of flowers from the garden and a piece of the song ” a million. ” Natalia very excited on the set receives the bouquet of flowers from Carlos’s hands.

Dani has discussed Adara.
”I’m quiet.
I have not missed her to respect her. ” Elena: ” My daughter is happy.
She does not go victim. ”

The nominees to the Best Clothing Award for the suits made: Gemeliers and Adara.
The winners are the twins who have achieved four points.

Enter the summary video of what your relationship has been weakened these weeks.
Adara is surprised by the comments of Jesus and Dani.
Adara: ” Both Renor scare me. ” Dani defends himself and says he always goes ahead.
Dani: ” We have come to compete.
I can criticize anyone and then I make a French omelet … but there is one thing I can not stand that my name is used as a mockery or my job. ”

The Nominees to the Award for the Secondary Actor are: Luca and Miguel … and the winner is for Miguel.
“If they believe that I am a secondary, I do not see it as a dishonor.” “Luca has stayed second for just one vote.
Adara voted, the film Sandra has put the title of ‘turning off fires’.
Cristina voted the Gemeliers.

Adara: ” Sandra has betrayed me. ” Julen: ” I gave a point to Adara because I think he was wrong in the joke he made to Isabel Rábago.
I understand that we have to nominate.
I do not think it’s a fake. ” Sandra: ” I understand that Adara feels like she feels. ”

The percentage of 60.6% is for the first nominee that is not saved is … Cristina.
On Thursday it can be expelled.
” The truth is that I expected it.
I’m not afraid of anyone.
I have gone four times to the expulsion room.
Thanks to the support I have received from those who do not know me. ”

Telephones close.

Sketch interrupts Lucia and, after a few advertisements, Lee: ” Sandra and Julén … ” Julen gives his speech of thanks and Sandra gives him a kiss.
They have won by six votes.
Cristina and Luca have only received two votes: His and Frigenti.
Sovereigle clarifies Cristina that Luca has not voted the story of her love.
Adara believes that Luca has voted another couple who is not his!
And the title is ‘Secret Love’.

Lucia relative is going to deliver the prize for the best romantic film and Cristina is going to find out what Luca voted …

Luca’s brother says what he feels: ” I do not like how Cristina is trying to Luca. ”

Prize for the best lighting by going on only the direct is for Adara Molinero, ” famous in the whole world ”, as Carolina Sobe, in charge of presenting it.

Back of advertising.
Sobeña announces that things in the house are tense.
Luca ran out and Cristina has gone to the bathroom.
The presenter talks to her and asks that the contestant returns to the room.

Cristina feels that she did not have anyone’s support for the issue of purchase.
She explains that from those who cook that she is and Luca or the Gemeliers, always goes one.

Isabel Rábago has been in charge of announcing the prize.
” The winner is … Adara ”, that she goes to the photocall to make the speech of gratitude of her.
” I dedicate it to my colleagues for thinking so much about me. “At the end of the question if she is happy and she replies: ” I take it as a joke … ”

The votes have been from Julen and Sandra, Cristina and Julián de los Gemeliers.
Cristina had three votes, including Frigenti, by the film ‘what ambition took “.
The journalist asks her miguel’s partner why she has said that and he was convolving: ” It is what we have been watching all night.
You are doing the victim … ”

The delivery of the prizes begins.
The first will be to the best dramatic film, for those who have made more theater throughout the contest.

In the living room they continue talking and Cristina explains the reasons why he is so nervous and overwhelmed.
In short, she has joked the hunger with the desire to eat.

Miguel: ” I do not like lies. “He believes that Cristina’s sister’s sister has closed the doors to approach her.
Frigenti insists that he has not criticized Cristina.

Adara explains his companions why they call him ‘Chief’.
Cristina defends and believes that her opponents underestimate her.
Frigenti says that she has been doing it wrong because she wants to embrace her.

Cristina: ” They did not nominate Luca because they did not want to be competing with him. ” Adara: ” Here things go from feeling. ”

Frigenti, Adara and Cristina in the Expulsion Room.

Cristina in the cube is honest: ” I am the contestant that has endured the number of nominations. ” Luca the dew with kisses.

Cristina has not found in Luca the support she expected.
It has been a very bad day, sad.
She is afraid what she can spend on Thursday.

The other conflict this week has been between Luca and Adara, all for a shower gel.
Adara was very disappointed with Frigenti for not supporting him in this matter.
Miguel force: ” I’m not going to let me treat me like that, Cristina already did and I’m not going to do it again. ”

It shows a video of the love story in Luca and Cristina, the stumbry and moments together last week.
Carlos announces that Luca has not chosen as the best love story of the house, he opted for Sandra and Julen.
The presenter believes that the world is going to be assembled when it finds cristina because she has chosen his as the best story.

The first test is a gala with an awards ceremony.
Sobeña announces: ” Welcome to the International World Spheres Award Latinos … You have to dress from Gala. ‘

Carlos Sobera begins the gala saying that, today he knows at the end …

How will things be on set?
Quieter than in the house where everything has been removed.
Also today we will discover Luis’s secret and we will know if Julen maintains or changes his bet.

Tom Brusse’s visit to the house has achieved the goal that was to destabilize Julen and Sandra.

The consequences of Tom Brusse’s visit: Julen is overwhelmed and Sandra does not do any grace

The program is becoming more animated.