The time change gives the student at Jauch the rest. “How much does that depend on the calendar?” She sums up her dilemma. Habeck gives a candidate insane luck. But then he gets greedy.

Student Inken Lorenzen really had modest expectations of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”. Unfortunately, she herself was worlds away from that. “Because as a student I could do a lot with 16,000,” she explained to Günther Jauch on Monday evening about the choice of security variant. In the end, the candidate from Hanover went home with just 2,000 euros. A supposedly simple question about the time change had given her the rest. “You decide or don’t want to play anymore?” Jauch got impatient at some point. “The question is how much that depends on the calendrical calendar,” Lorenzen pondered.

The debacle had already subtly hinted at the question for 500 euros. “What does a lot of drummers have with their drums?” asked Jauch. “I feel like I’m with the cat flap,” replied the biology student. Luckily, the audience redirected them to the cowbell on Shrove Monday. Two laps later, Lorenzen finally only understood the station.

Jauch wanted to know from her: “Which time of night will we not have in 2023: March 26, 2:15 a.m.; May 26, 2:30 a.m.; July 26, 2:45 a.m.; September 26, March 3 :00 am?” Lorenzen immediately understood that it was about summer and winter time. She also knew that the clock is always changed from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. and from 3:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. However, that was the end of her knowledge gain.

Jauch tried to give the student start-up help. “In appreciation of your overall situation, I would advise 50:50,” recommended the RTL moderator. There remained after the Joker March and July. “Now things are getting a little clearer,” he encouraged. “Not for me,” Lorenzen stated. Her mother couldn’t help either as a telephone joker. The candidate then tended towards July, but corrected herself immediately. “July makes no sense at all because: Summer. What should you change, from summer to summer time or what?” Lorenzen gave logic a chance.

Her reference to the “calendar” prompted Jauch to state: “You lost a philosophy student. You should switch.” After another back and forth (“I’m just through. Somehow I’m mentally back to July”) Lorenzen gave himself a jerk and sealed her progress: “I’ll take March.”

The Hanoverian didn’t get discouraged: “I’m very unlucky. Hopefully not today, maybe the next questions are easy.” Unfortunately, it was already over for them in the next round. Because all jokers were gone and Lorenzen didn’t have the faintest idea that Sönke Wortmann’s new film was called “Der Nachname” and not, for example, “Das Passportfoto”. But she seemed satisfied with her 2000 Euro profit and wants to invest the money in an excursion to Costa Rica.

“Just ask for a coin,” Jauch advised the hapless candidate. With this tactic, the overhang candidate Sila Kraus initially had a surprising amount of success. The nanophysicist now works as a freelance tree climber and dreams of being a traveling salesman with a team of horses at medieval markets. He therefore also relied on the security level at 16,000 euros in order to be able to finance this dream with certainty. But then he got a little too greedy.

“It’s a win that you can do something with. Now I can gamble,” Kraus announced when he had secured the 16,000 euros. When asked for 64,000 euros, he suddenly pulled out his coin from the medieval market to clarify the question: Did Robert Habeck or rather Olaf Scholz move into the German Bundestag as a direct candidate for constituency 001? The 32-year-old from Mannheim speculated whether the numbering of the constituencies might start in Berlin. Pinching was out of the question for him. “I’m not going to stop. If I fall from 32,000 – my God, it’s not that big of a difference,” said Kraus, to the astonishment of the studio audience.

So he let the coin decide. “Head Robert Habeck, number Olaf Scholz,” said Kraus and tossed the coin. “Head: Robert Habeck: Let’s see.” “The next crazy here,” said Jauch. But: miracle of miracles – the coin was right. Because the numbering of the constituencies begins in the far north, where Habeck lives. The whole thing was all the more wondrous because Kraus had thought that the Federal Minister of Economics was Swabian from the Green Party.

But then the candidate became too cocky. “I don’t need the coin at all. I choose B, penicillin,” he announced in the €125,000 round. The question was which medical term has been in the dictionary for over 100 years. But already in the following commercial break, Kraus said: “I think I messed it up.” Unfortunately, he was right here. In fact, “doping” has been in the dictionary since 1915, back then in relation to the intake of caffeine and cocaine, as Jauch explained. “It’s a shame,” Kraus was annoyed, but in the end took it calmly, as announced: “I gambled, I’ve got 16,000. It’s okay.”

About twice the amount could be seen on Monday at “Who wants to be a millionaire?” Romina Meissner from Geldern in North Rhine-Westphalia. A portion of the profits may fund a re-run of their wedding reception. From her point of view, she had suffered massively from an omission by her groom. He only had one job. “He should order the cake,” reported Meissner. However, her husband only ordered a four-tiered wedding cake instead of a five-tiered one.

“Which makes a difference with a hundred people. Well, I didn’t get anything anymore,” reported the candidate, who decides at which locations new branches are to be built at Fressnapf. Jauch demonstrated condolences. In the end, however, his admiration for the husband, who since then has hardly been allowed or required to organize anything, depending on your perspective, outweighed it.

“He made it so that you have control over everything in your marriage and that he can live a nice and comfortable life,” said Jauch. “Congratulations on that.” “I have a quieter life,” the husband who traveled with him confirmed this view of things. He works for the local energy company. “I do the energy procurement there. I have enough responsibility there.”