Alfredo Moretti (78) from Neuhausen am Rheinfall, SH doesn’t understand the connection, the Migros and other retailers to recover these days between the death of George Floyd’s and moor’s heads. He also feels addressed, if Blackies are no longer called the moor heads. Because His last name means in German “Mohr”.

For a Pensioner it is a word that accompanied him all his life. As a Young man had called to him: “Oh, the moor’s head is coming!” Companies that sell under the name of Moretti also Mohr heads, he had only learned recently. “I never thought about it,” he says to VIEW.

Moretti is proud of the coat-of-arms

Also his family coat-of-arms reflects the name: two dark-skinned people. “I’m proud of the coat of arms on the family. My great-great grandparents had it,” says Moretti. For him, a coat-of-arms change does not come therefore out of the question.

Because of the word “Moretti” is now also the Migros under attack. The in-house foam kisses are called in Italian, namely “Moretti”. Many customers throw the Migros, therefore, hypocrisy. The company wants to change the name.