With the 2022 Income campaign underway since April 11, 2023, millions of Spaniards make calculations in the draft of the declaration to check in the last box on the last page if the result is negative or positive, that is, if goes out to return or enter. If the result is negative, the immediate question is: how long does the Treasury take to return the money? On the other hand, if the declaration goes out to pay, the first question that arises is: how long do I have to return the money?

To begin with, the taxpayer who has to pay personal income tax to the public treasury can domicile the payment, as long as said option is processed before the deadline to do so, that is, before June 27. Also, there are two options to return the money:

If the taxpayer with a positive result in his return chooses to return the money in a single payment, the Treasury will receive the money at the time of filing the Income statement. It can be done by direct debit, electronic payment or with a payment document in an associated financial institution. The ordinary term to pay ends on June 30.

The Tax Agency also allows the payment to be divided into two installments and, in fact, this is how it appears by default in the declarations that go out to pay. The first payment is 60% of the declaration and will be charged on June 30, while the second, 40%, will be charged in November. Likewise, the payment method must be indicated: direct debit, electronic payment or in the bank (until June 30).

For people without liquidity, the Tax Agency allows deferring the payment of the income statement up to a maximum of 12 months and as long as the debt does not exceed 30,000 euros. The deferral can be accepted or denied and is incompatible with the installment payment

To do this, the taxpayer must request it on the Treasury website by selecting payment “not in installments” and “acknowledgment of debt with request for deferment”. After these steps, he will have to sign and send his return. Subsequently, a screen will appear where you will have to select the option to “process debt” and then “defer”.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project