Elsa Ruiz explained in Surviviré on Tuesday, November 23 that he left his position in the program to address his mental health problems.
The collaborator shared with her companions that she was going to enter a hospital on the recommendation of her psychiatrist.

“This is not going to be easy for me, but surely you have noticed for what I put on my networks and others that I am not going through a good emotional and psychologically stage, I am with depression and anxiety, treating me with psychiatrist, medication and others, but
I have a time when the thing does not improve, “he said.

The comedian left those present with their confessions: “Two months ago I was trying to commit suicide by taking two blisterters of pills and I was admitted. Last Sunday I had to go to emergencies because I had several anxiety attacks that I could not go down.”
She then explained that her situation is due to harassment she receives in networks, which has affected her a lot of a personal level.

Ruiz said: “I tried to endure as much as possible in this program because I love being here, because I love you very much … I also want a lot to the team and I will have to leave I will survive because I am going to enter the psychiatric area of a hospital and
I’m going to leave everything I do, the performances, the videos and everything. I need to stop a while, I need to recompose me. ”

In addition, he recalled that days ago María Isabel had visited the format of Mitele Plus and his statements had helped him make a decision: “He talked about the subject of stopping and impacted me a lot. I saw her very whole.”
The Madrileña indicated: “I have to recompose my pieces, look for some, but a piece of me will always be here, with you, I hope to return soon.”

The one who was a collaborator of everything is a lie wrote on Twitter: “Today I say goodbye (at the moment) of I survive, of networks, of my performances and everything. I am internal in the psychiatric area of a hospital because I need help to get ahead. Thank you
to you who support me. Remember that you are valid as you are “.

Elsa Ruiz highlighted in Surviviré: “Mental health is a serious problem that needs to be treated … The greatest cause of mortality among young people is suicide, it is horrible, I have tried and I do not want anyone to have to try”

The comedian went to the spectators who are going through situations similar to his and he sent them a hug: “You are totally valid people, no matter how much in your heads there are voices that they tell you not.”
Then he added a touch of humor to her message remembering a phrase of Adara Molinero: “Quoting one of the greatest in the history of this country, we will rest a little, because we have a trot …”.

Nagore Robles could not contain tears during the farewell of Elsa Ruiz.
The presenter approached his partner and confessed visibly excited: “I have never hidden with you nor I plan to do it. There has been very complicated mornings for me, just the fact of seeing you, of giving you a hug, has filled me with strength, energy”

The Basque stood out: “Listen to you, for me, is to listen to the voice of the Sensatez. Sometimes you have to get in the hands of professionals to get ahead … that you have done it leaves me a lot more calm.”
The driver of survivié concluded: “This is not a goodbye, it is an as soon as possible, it is important to take care of themselves, knowing how to stop. I think it’s very mature for you. I love you, I see you soon.”