Jürgen Drews says goodbye to the stage with an emotional appearance on Florian Silbereisen’s show. This is due to age and health problems. Saying goodbye is not easy for him, backstage the 77-year-old even shed tears.

This TV moment goes down in Schlager history: Music star Jürgen Drews announced on Saturday evening on the show “The big Schlager beach party 2022 – it starts again!” emotionally the end of his career. Alongside moderator Florian Silbereisen and his wife Ramona Drews, the undisputed “King of Mallorca” said: “Since I’m at an age when others have been retired for a long time, I also said to myself: ‘At some point it’ll be good.’ “

As shown by pictures published by the “Bild” newspaper, it became even more emotional after his statement. The 77-year-old cried backstage after his farewell appearance, and tears also rolled down the cheeks of Ramona and Drews manager Christine Gaydos. Afterwards, Drews said to “Bild”: “I went on stage totally happy. Then I realized: This is my life, what I’m saying goodbye to here. And it just came over me.”

Ramona explained the strong emotions after the performance: “Jürgen is built close to the water. That this moment moves him is normal.” He didn’t take his decision lightly. Silbereisen, who was visibly moved, said after his show: “I’m not ashamed of my tears when such a cult star like Jürgen Drews says goodbye to the stage.”

It was “an incredibly emotional moment,” Silbereisen continued. He had experienced “many wonderful things” with Drews. In his eyes, the singer is an original that cannot simply be replaced. But more emotional moments would follow, since the stage farewell would be accompanied in his shows in the next few months.

At the end of May, Drews announced in an extensive Instagram post that he had to cancel appearances in the meantime. The reason given by the musician was that during a tour with Silbereisen, which he had previously ended, he noticed “that the side effects of aging are catching up with me more and more quickly and unfortunately the gradual process of my polyneuropathy cannot be stopped completely”. Drews made it public last year that he suffered from this neurological disease that limits mobility.