2024 begins and with the new year also begins the dreaded January slope, an especially steep slope in the current context of inflation and rising prices for those people who receive unemployment benefits and subsidies or other social aid. Thus, many of them are wondering these days when unemployment benefits will be collected in January 2024.

It should be noted that, at the end of November, Spain had 20,806,073 members of Social Security and 2,734,831 unemployed registered in the SEPE.

The State Public Employment Service (SEPE) pays the unemployment benefit or subsidy in monthly installments of 30 days, as established by current regulations, within the month immediately following the month in which the accrual corresponds. It should be remembered that neither this subsidy linked to unemployment nor the contributory benefit have extra payments, so in both cases 12 payments per year are received.

As reported by the SEPE itself, the payment of unemployment benefits occurs on the 10th of each month or, if it is a holiday, the next business day. January 10, 2024 falls on a Wednesday, so the public service will enter the strike on that date, although sometimes the date can be delayed up to three days. The collection of other social benefits also occurs in the same period.

Some banks and savings banks advance the payment of the benefit to their clients by a few days. This measure was adopted during the pandemic and, although it is no longer in force, some entities decided to maintain it once the health crisis was over. It should be remembered that the other way around can also happen, where there is a delay for some reason – usually technical – and the income does not appear until a few days later than expected.

In any case, it is recommended to keep an eye on the customer service channels of the entities in order to be informed of any changes in this regard.

The unemployment benefit reform, approved at the end of 2023, includes an increase in the amount of aid, as well as an increase in the number of beneficiaries. Specifically, it will rise to 570 euros (95% of the current IPREM) during the first six months (it is currently at 480); and from there it goes down, to 540 euros during the next six months and to 480 euros afterwards. The maximum duration of the subsidy will be 30 months. Likewise, the subsidy will be compatible with employment during the first 180 days without loss of benefit. The decree will come into force in general on June 1, 2024, so it will not be until then that the new beneficiaries will receive the improvement.