The Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, José Luís Escrivá, considers that “a cultural change is needed in Spain” to follow the European trend of working more and more between 55 and 70 or 75 years.

In an interview to the ARA newspaper collected this Sunday for Europe Press, he has assured: “At this ages, for demographic and quality of life reasons, you can work more. And Spain is a European anomaly: not only do not follow this trend but that
We reduce the proportion of over 55 years as active. ”

Asked in case the pension system is sustainable, it has responded that YES and has ensured that achieving the effective age of retirement approaching legal age is “the most powerful mechanism” for its sustainability, so the objective of the government is
That the disincentives for early retirement are more effective.

He has ensured that the central executive has the challenge of reducing the structural public deficit and has argued that in Spain there are no need new taxes but “evaluating” fiscal exemptions and benefits to see if they fulfill their role.

He has affirmed that youth occupation does not replace the senior and he has advocated “generating dynamics within the companies so that people of a certain age are changing their activity, hours of work, dedication …”.

For Escrivá, we must promote regular and orderly migration mechanisms, in their words, which respond to the needs of the labor market, and has regretted that the current model generates “irregular immigration bags widely extended in time”.

He has opted for training for workers affected by the temporary regulation of employment (ERTE) and has sustained that “if something is needed in Spain are the mechanisms of dual training and within the companies.”

He has affirmed that the bulk of autonomists who were “protected” by the extraordinary unemployment will come to receive aid in forms of exemptions to maintain their activity and, on the other hand, has attorned for penalizing the abuse of very short contracts.

It has said that the Government has granted 350,000 requests for minimum vital income (IMV) –28,000 of which in Catalonia – but has regretted that many people who had identified as potential beneficiaries have not asked for help, so that
They are designing a survey to address them.

He has also assured that many requests have been rejected, because “there is a great distance between the perception that one has on how poor and about its situation of vulnerability and reality,” and has defended that the bulk of beneficiaries of autonomous rentals have
Order the IMV.

He added, in relation to the management of the crisis of the Coronavirus, which in any other country in Europe has been given exonerations for active workers.