“Irene Montero is making botched laws, they are not feminist laws, quite the opposite,” says Patricia Bilbao, one of the participants in the escrache against Irene Montero that took place at an event organized by the Institute for Equality on the occasion of the Day of the woman.

This 24-year-old from Madrid is a dependency assistant and works with people with intellectual disabilities. “I don’t belong to any movement. I am a left-wing feminist woman who individually advocates feminist theory,” she says.

The young woman justifies the escrache that took place this morning and assures that it is not the first time that she has participated in one of them. “I already participated in a previous escrache, a couple of weeks ago, to Irene Montero at the Faculty of Medicine in Madrid. Since they do not open the doors for us to have a debate, because they make laws urgently, such as the Trans Law, we have had to look for our spaces to debate”, he assures.

As he explains, they have decided to interrupt the event organized by the Ministry of Equality because the minister “has never met with a feminist group and a feminist association that can explain to her the botch of the law that she has made of the ‘only yes is yes’ and also that of the Trans Law”.

In her case, on March 8 she attended the alternative demonstration, the one organized by the Feminist Movement of Madrid, contrary to the trans law, very critical of the “only yes is yes” law and in defense of the abolition of the prostitution. “I’m going to this demonstration because it’s a feminist demonstration. I’m not going to the other one because the ‘Queer’ collective is going, because the trans collective is going, because the Stop Abolition platform is going, which are men who pay to have sex with women.” , sentence.

Asked what it means for her to be a woman, the young woman answers clearly: “Being born with a female biological sex, having XX chromosomes.” From there, she points out, “everything else is taste, stereotypes, sexual orientations.”

On the law of ‘only yes is yes’, this young woman reproaches that there are no “resignations or dismissals when we have more than 700 sexual offenders with reduced sentences and 75 on the street.”

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