The mortal remains of Esther López de la Rosa, the neighbor of transpinedo (Valladolid) of 35 years whose death is subject to research, receive burial on Wednesday in its native town.

When all the hypotheses are still kept open about the causes of Esther López’s death, after a preliminary report of autopsy did not rule out any of the three possibilities, from a beating or an accidental fall to an abuse, the village
of transpinedo will tell this last goodbye to his next Wednesday.

The Association of Assistance to Victims of Sexual Assistants and Bad Treatment of Valladolid (ADAVASYMT) has decided to disconnect the concentration initially planned this Wednesday in Remembrance to Esther López before the uncertainty of the investigation and “the unusual complexity that seems to present the case.”

This is consisting of a statement referred by advasymt that has preferred to disconnect the concentration pending the conclusions of the research that, according to the conveners, has not yet ruled out any hypotheses.

Since the association they have called the authorities to put “the means and organization that are necessary” to clarify the facts and responsibilities that may arise in this case.

“From AdvasyMt we work by eradicating the macho violence that, we remember, so far this year has moved the lives of five women. If the causes of Esther’s death would have had to do with this type of violence, there we will be, denounced it a
More time, “they say in the writing in which they add that” if it were not like this and the causes would have been others “they also add to the pain of the family and their closest environment.
Informa Europa Press

The mortal remains of Esther López de la Rosa, the neighbor of transpinedo (Valladolid) of 35 years whose death is subject to research, will be buried on Wednesday in its native town.

When all the hypotheses are still kept open about the causes of the victim’s death, after a preliminary report of autopsy did not rule out any of the three possibilities, from a beating or an accidental fall to an abuse, the village of
Transpinedo will say this last goodbye to Esther López on Wednesday.

The day will start at 12.30 with a Funeral Mass, Corpore InSepulto, in the Parish Church of San Martín de Tours for, then, proceed to the transfer of the crowd at the cemetery of the town, where the mortal remains of Esther will receive Christian

The mayor of the town, Javier Fernández, has appealed through the media to ask from the City Council the “maximum respect for the family and the people in these moments of pain and duel.”

In this message, the Regider is convinced of this and warns that during this Tuesday and on Wednesday he will not make any kind of statement because, as he points, it is time to be with the family.

“I apologize and once after these days we will be available again and at your disposal as it has been during these weeks,” concludes Fernández.
Informa Europa Press

To address all the hypotheses about the death of Esther López and not leave any way without analyzing, the Civil Guard was working during this Tuesday at the gutter on the road where the body of the woman appeared.
The objective is to determine if she could suffer an abuse, as indicated sources consulted.
However, agents keep other hypotheses open on which they also continue to work.

The researchers analyzed the millimeter the road and made a reconstruction on a hypothetical outrage.
They did measurement work such as those who do when there is a traffic accident, and calculations to know if the position of the corpse could be compatible with a winding.

Read the complete information of Gema Peñalosa