A 55-year-old man was arrested this Monday in eastern France for allegedly kidnapping, raping and torturing his wife since 2011. It is a couple of German nationality who resided in the French city of Forbach, located next to the border of France with Germany.

The French authorities were alerted by the German police, who received a distress call from the victim when she was able to access a mobile phone on Sunday night, police sources told local media.

The agents went to the house early today, where they found the 53-year-old woman, who was locked in a room and in deplorable conditions: naked, malnourished, with a shaved head and signs of old fractures in her fingers. hands and legs, for which she was hospitalized urgently.

The husband was immediately arrested and the prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation for kidnapping, aggravated rape and acts of torture and barbarity. The rooms of the apartment were barred, but the Metz prosecutor, Olivier Glady, in charge of the case, explained that it could be because they served to prevent the displacement of the nine cats that lived there.

A neighbor of the apartment building told the local media that the man “went in and out naturally” from the apartment, from where she sometimes heard screams, “although it was something very rare” and she thought it was noise due to some illness. “I never saw the woman (…) she never left the home,” she added.

According to RMC radio, the police went to the home in 2019 following a notice from a restless neighbor, but the two members of the couple convinced the agents that there were no problems in their home.

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