Europe opens the door to Ukrainian refugees.
Everything that did not get the war in Syria, the evacuation of Afghanistan or conflicts or african famines has achieved it, in just a few days, the Russian invasion.
A wave of solidarity, an almost absolute consensus on the need to make an extraordinary effort and until the invocation of an instrument that has been available for 20 years but has not yet been used: the Community Directive that would grant temporary protection to all
Victims of aggression.

“I have verified that a great majority” is in favor of taking the step and “quickly use this possibility,” the French Minister of Indoor, GĂ©rald Darmanin, has secured, at the press conference after the extraordinary meeting, whose country coordinates
During this semester.
“The time has come to activate it,” said Commissioner Ylva Johansson, who came to meet a working document defending the idea.
The ministers have commissioned the Commission to elaborate a legislative propesta as complete as possible, so that governments discuss it again on Thursday in Brussels, in the Ordinary Council that is scheduled by then.

After the start-up of three packets of economic sanctions, four meetings of the Foreign Ministers of the 27, and a summit in Brussels with the Heads of State and Government, the headlines of the entire Union have been seen this Sunday
The faces in the Community capital to address a topic that will be critical in the coming days: the arrival of refugees fleeing from the Russian invasion.

Since the beginning of the attacks, at least 368,000 people have crossed the borders of Poland, Hungary, Romania or Moldova and other neighbors, according to data from Filippo Grandi, United Nations Refugee Commissioner.
“The governments and the inhabitants of those countries are welcoming those who flee, now it is important to share that responsibility more concrete,” Grandi said Sunday.
Up to 300,000 would be already in the EU, according to data from Commissioner Johansson.
And precisely for that the European ministers meet.

There is unanimity in the need to help and open the doors, but still doubts what mechanisms to use, what status to grant those who arrive and how to make a deal, if necessary, to help those who are going to be direct receivers. The migratory issue and the arrival of refugees has been very divisive since 2015, when hundreds of thousands of people were looking for protection by running away from places such as Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen or Ethiopia. The coasts of Greece, Malta or Italy were filled with asylum plaintiffs, but the EU’s response was very different. Several countries, especially those of Visegrad (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovak) opposed a lot of resistance or refused even round to accept refugees, even though the EU had launched a mechanism to relocate and resettle dozens of Thousands of victims. A mechanism depending on GDP, unemployment, population and efforts already made by 27. The question broke the continent and was about to take full-term circulation space, Schengen. And, seven years later, it is not yet resolved, with battles in court.

Now, however, the reaction is being completely different.
For a few months the eastern partners of the Union are experiencing it in their own meats, and that has partially changed the perspective and triggered the requests for help and solidarity.
And money.
Governments such as Poland or Slovakia have opened the doors and are allowing to enter those who flee Ukraine, sometimes even without passports or valid documents.
Mobilization is being unprecedented, offering help, accommodation, food and drink.
The railway companies in Germany or Austria, for example, have announced that they will allow completely free long distance trips to those who have Ukrainian passport, without more requirements.
Nothing to do with the closure of borders makes a lustro, the harassment to the caravans of those who arrived at the bottom of the Balkans or the pressure to leave their territory.

“We welcome the open arms to all those who flee from Putin’s pumps, we will support Eastern Members in the effort to welcome and take care of refugees,” said the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Limen.
The wave of solidarity is however difficult to sustainable over time, as the precedents show, without a very clear and effective legal framework, mobilized money and a public opinion in favor.
The most recent case is a few months ago, when Belarus, Aliado de Moscow and that will also be punished with community sanctions, tried to destabilize the area by pushing thousands of people brought expressly from Iraq or Afghanistan in public aircraft towards European borders.
That is why the ministers want to address the situation and see how the effort can be shared.

In the agenda of ministers, humanitarian aid and how to mobilize resources, economic and material, as quickly as possible to welcome tens of thousands of people with very low temperatures in the area.
A few months ago, the discussion was whether the EU should finance the survey of walls to prevent refugees from Belarus (pushed by a dictatorship that sought to destabilize with “hybrid tactics”, but refugees in legitimate asylum in any case) and now it is
How to meet the needs of those who will arrive with open doors.

The 27 should study which legal mechanism can be applied, because Ukrainians are entering without a visa, something that until now was necessary. Countries such as Belgium are the ones who most clearly asked for a European directive to be activated, but not used to date, which would allow a status for automatic protection to those who flee the war in Ukraine, according to HA Explained the Secretary of State of Asylum and Emigration, Sammy Mahdi. Something that would avoid classical (and slow and complicated and problematic procedures) to process applications. The current ISTEMA has not worked since 2015, but the temporary protection status would allow for a year, extendable up to three, that the beneficiaries had legal residence, which in turn would allow to work (on their own or alien), enroll at minors in Schools receive social help and other benefits. Without living in fields that are, at the same time, your only option but a trap without opportunities.

Most of those who are arriving does not intend to be permanent, but they trust in being able to return to their country soon.
But uncertainty is, obviously, very high.

“” The international temporary protection directive, which is since 2001, has not been effective.
Spain has been transposed since 2003, but either that directive or any other mechanism to give protection, we have the necessary instruments to give an answer, “said the Spanish minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, upon arrival of him.

Asked why estimates Baraja Spain, or what effort is willing to relocate potential refugees, the Grande-Marlaska has responded that “the capacity is that of Europe, is a matter of Europe. Spain within the EU has a maximum commitment.
We are not going to make forecasts that may not accompany reality, we will work without rest and have the measures to answer. We have always given the necessary coverage. Europe will not save any effort. We have experience, as seen in 2015 with Syrian refugees
. Europe unfortunately has experience that has served for us to have now the springs to give coverage, “has added Spanish.