The leaders of the presidential camp are forming a united front for the European elections. Former Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne will appear on the list of the presidential majority for the European elections, in an ineligible position, Agence France-Presse (AFP) learned from her entourage, confirming information from BFM-TV. Having become an MP again after her departure from Matignon, she will appear in 81st and last position on the Renaissance list, carried by MEP Valérie Hayer.

Several other figures from the presidential camp will appear at the bottom of this list, such as the leader of Horizons, Edouard Philippe (76th), the president of MoDem, François Bayrou (78th), or the current Minister of Europe and foreign affairs, Stéphane Séjourné (80th), AFP learned from the campaign team. The latter also announced that the lawyer Jean Veil, eldest son of Simone and Antoine Veil, will occupy the 74th position. In 2019, he had already been a candidate on the list of the Macronist camp, appearing in 78th place.

“I agreed to be on the list to show my full support for Valérie Hayer and the majority project which is the only credible one for Europe,” declared Elisabeth Borne, according to comments reported to AFP by her entourage. “I will continue to engage in this campaign to carry our ideas and our project for Europe,” added the former head of government.

The first thirty names on the Renaissance list were revealed on Friday, almost a month before a vote for which the presidential camp is currently far behind in the polls by that of the National Rally (RN), supported by Jordan Bardella.

Five weeks before the European elections, and on the eve of a meeting at the Palais de la Mutualité, Valérie Hayer also presented the Renaissance program on Monday morning during a press conference. An “ambitious program to ensure that Europe does not die”, she declared, alongside campaign spokespersons Nathalie Loiseau, Marie-Pierre Vedrenne and Clément Beaune, estimating also that the “assessment speaks [has] for” them.

The current MEP and president of the Renew group in the European Parliament affirmed that her 48 proposals should enable the European Union to face three major risks, namely “security and migration, climate and economic, democracy and attack of our values ??”. Ms. Hayer also called for “exiting foreign dependencies,” citing Russia, the United States, China and India. “Europe must take its destiny back into its own hands, to build a powerful Europe. »