MEP Manon Aubry confirmed, Sunday January 28, that she should indeed be the head of the list of La France insoumise (LFI) for the European elections on June 9, as she was five years ago. “I am proposing my candidacy to lead the list of the Popular Union. I appeal to all the orphans of Nupes, all those for whom its creation represented hope. I want to say to them: “Join us, come help us!” », Declared the 34-year-old parliamentarian to the newspaper 20 Minutes.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party has long campaigned for a common list of left-wing parties but it was not followed by the communists, socialists and environmentalists. These groups will therefore leave in dispersed order for these elections. Created in 2022, the New Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nupes) imploded last fall anyway, under the weight of disagreements between its members, in particular on the conflict in the Middle East.

A vote on the list at the beginning of March

“The Insoumis have already made me leader. We are now working on developing the list and activists will have the opportunity to vote on the list in its entirety at the beginning of March,” explained Manon Aubry. In 2019, the list she led obtained 6.31% of the votes and sent six deputies to the Parliament of Strasbourg and Brussels. According to polls, it is now credited with 7 to 8% of voting intentions.

“The succession of crises [covid, energy, inflation] has brought to light the danger of the dogmas on which the European Union was built. Sometimes European leaders have echoed our words. But the reality is that the European Union remains addicted to free trade, austerity and the commodification of everything. We need to wean her,” Manon Aubry told 20 Minutes.

“The energy market has caused our electricity bills to explode. Budgetary austerity has suffocated our public hospital. But no lessons have been learned,” she added, expressing indignation at the “worst austerity crisis” that is looming due to new European rules. “I appeal to all the orphans of Nupes, all those for whom its creation represented hope. »