The executive office of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) announced, Wednesday March 13, the suspension, prior to definitive exclusion, of MP Aurélien Taché, who expressed his support for La France insoumise (LFI) for the elections European.

“The executive office unanimously voted for the suspension as an emergency and as a precautionary measure, while waiting for the regional political council of Ile-de-France [or its regional executive office by delegation] to decide for a definitive exclusion », Specified the party to Agence France-Presse (AFP).

“I take note of this. I’m not very surprised. In any case, I was never really welcomed or integrated within EELV,” replied the person concerned, interviewed by the AFP agency.

The member for Val-d’Oise announced Wednesday in an interview with Le Parisien that he would support the list of “rebellious” led by Manon Aubry, rather than that of his party.

“The movement is not at all taking the path of the mass party and what popular ecology could be,” he said, pleading, like the “rebels,” for “a unitary list.”

The question of integrating LFI “does not arise”

This suspension “does not prevent me from remaining within the environmentalist group in the Assembly,” he clarified on Wednesday. “I wish so and the president of the group, Cyrielle Chatelain, expressed to me her wish that I stay,” he added, recalling having been elected deputy “under the New Democrats label, and not EELV”.

Mr. Taché and his small New Democrats party, which has around 250 members, joined EELV in October 2022, convinced, he says, that “political ecology was the future”. He told AFP that he had chosen EELV, even though he had been contacted by LFI. Today, the question of integrating LFI “does not arise”, he assures.

The MP assured Le Parisien that he had “never been invited to a single federal council or a single meeting” of EELV. “I have never been asked to represent the party anywhere,” he lamented.

“He lies by saying that he was never invited to meetings,” retorted an environmentalist executive contacted by AFP. His support for the LFI list “is anything but a surprise and [is] a relief for many people, and we wish good luck to La France insoumise,” he quipped.

Aurélien Taché was a member of the Socialist Party until 2017, then of La République en Marche until 2020.