Shopping online is becoming popular because it is convenient, plus the internet has become accessible to many people. Online stores also have bargains that assist you in saving money. Besides, you also get fast and secure shipping when you use a reliable e-retailer. Since many people are using the internet, it helps if you are keen to avoid disappointment caused by scammers. Before shopping online, be sure of what you want, as this will guide you when doing your research before making a purchase. Here is what you need to keep in mind when shopping online:

  1. Shop at Websites with Secure Socket Layers

There are many E-stores, and you need to filter out by only shopping at sites with locks. The areas with SSL encryption protect your information from unauthorized persons. For example, a hacker can easily access your details when the site is not secured using credit or debit. To know if a site is secure, confirm if it has an s after HTTP plus an icon of a padlock. The best part is that most search engines flag sites without the s in the URL. If you have to buy something from an unsecured location, avoid using your credit card.

  1. Have a Strong Password

Before shopping online, you will need to sign up with the E-stores. While signing up, you will fill in your details, then you are given a chance to create a password. It would be best to use the password anytime you want to log into the store’s website. Your password needs to have numerical, alphabet, and symbols so that someone cannot easily guess it. Similarly, when signing up at sites like, it will be best to avoid using familiar figures like your birthday as someone can easily imagine it and access your account.

  1. Check Your Statement Regularly

You will tend to use your credit when making an online payment. After paying with credit, make a routine of checking your statement; if you check your report frequently, you can detect any fraudulent transaction in your account. Remember that when you wait for you at the end of the month, the transactions may be difficult to follow when they happen. For example, the trades are many during the holiday season, so you need to view your E-statement to verify the payments. If one of your cards is compromised, avoid using the other, since the scammers have your details and may use them to access your banked funds.

  1. Review the Seller

Ding due diligence when shopping online helps a lot. It will help if you check the retail reviews online before placing an order with them. Go through the review sector to see what the customers are saying about the shop; manipulated reviews are all favorable; hence, you can avoid the site or dig deeper to confirm their legitimacy.


Using a secure internet connection helps you protect your bank account plus your details. Scammers prefer accessing people’s accounts through public Wi-Fi. For instance, if you access E-stores like using public Wi-Fi, hackers can access your password plus your bank account details which they later use to steal money from you.