The Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court has agreed this Wednesday to execute the sentence in which Irene Montero was convicted on June 8 for calling the ex-husband of María Sevilla, former president of Infancia Libre, an abuser.

The order of the Auto Tribunal explains that the acting Minister of Equality has already paid the 18,000 euros in compensation imposed on her, to which today she adds another 5,400 that Montero must also pay in late payment interest and legal costs.

The Chamber gives the minister a period of 20 days to publish on her X account – formerly Twitter – “the heading and ruling of the sentence” and to delete the message of May 25, 2022 in which she shared the video of the speech at the Women’s Institute in which, according to the magistrates, the plaintiff’s honor was violated.

The sentence that he urges to be carried out includes the publication in a national newspaper, at Montero’s expense, of the heading and operative part of this sentence. The minister had unsuccessfully asked the Supreme Court to stop the execution of the ruling, since she had filed an appeal before the Constitutional Court.

These were Montero’s words that led to the conviction: “Protective mothers suffer unjustly and, in many cases, assuming a violation of many of their rights, criminalization and suspicion on the part of society, when what they are doing is not “It is something else than defending themselves and their sons and daughters against the sexist violence of abusers.”

Rafael Marcos denounced that the minister made these statements after learning that the Government partially pardoned his ex-wife, sentenced in 2020 to two years and four months in prison and the loss of parental authority over her son for a crime of child abduction. that child, who was not allowed to approach his father.