The rental in Ibiza-Video had cost the Ex-Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache (51) last year the office. Now the Austrian is involved in a dubious expense affair.

The “Kronen Zeitung” will be available in the documents show that the former FPÖ leader between 2015 and 2018, cost a total of almost 8500 francs to Party in the pharmacies has issued. Almost two-thirds of which he should have for potency and Slimming pills used. However, on the long expenses list many more things are still to come.

party tax advisors downgraded invoices as private a

talked about the high Pharmacy lawyer Johann Pauer only recently. This stressed that the private diseases his client would be nobody’s business. But the Problem is clear: the övp had not paid the funds from his own pocket, but the bills to the Parliament or his party sent to, and settle in.

Pauer does not deny this allegation, but adds: “However, all of the invoices that were classified by the tax adviser of the party as a private was paid by my clients on a regular basis.” His client did nothing wrong, the lawyer.

Also, the cemetery gardener, and Gucci-bills are on the expense list

But not only potency Strache has paid with the money of the party, but also swimming Pool repairs, tutoring for the son dozens of traffic ticket, Gucci boutiques, shopping in the luxury and even the cemetery gardener.

simply can not draw so Strache his head out of the noose. Whether he was actually nothing wrong, it will show soon: Vienna’s public Prosecutor’s office determined now because of charges of fraud and breach of trust. (sib)