The Rage of 50,000, a bright effervescence that takes a sudden dark tone, the Reporter for the Frankfurter Zeitung, described in the output from the 2. March, 1930, the noise at the football match Germany against Italy in the Frankfurt forest stadium. On you can browse the old Reports. What a poetic Text! You can feel the exclusive role of the observer – only the Reporter of the Junior-medium Radio up there on the tower was faster than the newspaper man.

He even described the “tobacco clouds, the aufschweben isolated and the people balls covered in bare trees flutter”. The “Roar of applause” and the “sheet music”. “Everything goes into the microphone,” he wrote, full of respect for the system, the radio reporter sent his sounds out into the Ether. Oh, And Corona! The broadcasters should have these days, their Transfers with the Soundtrack from 1930 to accumulate, then we would not need the grief game in the stadiums to listen to. Germany lost against the Azzurri then 0:2. The other way around, thought the Reporter, would become the mass in a frenzy.

In a sports report from the 13. In June 1930, it was said in the Frankfurter Zeitung, to 80,000 in Yankee stadium in New York, as Max Schmeling heard the angels singing. First he was beaten by Jack Sharkey in a fight for the vacant title of world champion in heavyweight Boxing, after line and thread – he was able to land his “much-vaunted counter-strike” only Once. In the fourth round, Sharkey then continued, “in his Zeal” a hit below the belt. How unfair! Poor Schmeling had to be carried from the Ring. A long time he could not speak. But he was a world champion, because the judge Sharkey for the low-blow disqualified.