Good Morning!

Manfred Köhler

Deputy Department head of the Regional section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and editor of the business magazine Metropolitan.

F. A. Z.

F. A. Z.-authors shrink from nothing. “This Text is created with numb fingers, teeth rattling with the keys to the bet,” the Bouncing ball begins today on the first page of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung. But it is exceedingly more conciliatory: “… and anyway is not appropriate with pity, but joy. In Frankfurt, the outdoor pools open again! The question of whether a visit is worthwhile, is necessarily answered in the affirmative,“ writes our in the Freibad Hausen sent Mrs Florentine Fritzen in cheerful-cold mood, especially since she has tried of course. Your entire experience report as mentioned in the sheet.

Where everything is on a much more serious issue in experience bring. As of today, will be negotiated in Frankfurt about the crime at the Kassel government President Walter Lübcke, who was shot dead a year ago. Our court reporter, Anna-Sophia Long, almost to the factual situation before the trial and commented on.

Again, a completely different topic: The published on Monday in passenger numbers for the month of may. You do not need to be a very hard-hearted airport opponents, if one regrets that the number of passengers that have been cleared in the last month at the Frankfurt Airport, was 96.5 percent lower than in may 2019. After all, improvement is in sight, after the abolition of border controls and the lifting of travel warnings for tourists to fly since Monday in the holiday, as it should be. Our guest student Luke crossbow has asked around in the Terminal 1 yesterday under the traveler.

F. A. Z.-Newsletter “Hauptwache”

So the day begins in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main: the most Important points in brief, with References to mobile speed cameras, road closures, and restaurants.

Please take notice of our privacy.

And also the trade Union Verdi wants that furniture stores are now closed on Sundays, currently, they benefit from unusual freedoms, approved by the state government due to the Corona pandemic, reviewed colleague Eva-Maria Magel from the culture of a dance piece at the Mainz state theater called “Extra Time” that fits according to your estimation, in this time, is “The why Café” by John Strelecky the most sold book in the Region of the resort today, places two through nine, you will find today in the newspaper.

A nice day

your Manfred Köhler

wish you