Teacher unions have thrown a pulse to pillar joy.
Around 200 teachers have focused on Wednesday before the Ministry of Education to denounce its “incompetence”, “Dejadez”, “Desidia”, “hesitates” and “lack of leadership” in the management of the new system of oppositions.
They are qualifying that they use CCOO, UGT and CSIF, united in the first educational protest against the PSO-United Coalition Government. We can.

I was surprised to see in the call a LGTBI flag fluttering just next to the Ministry of Equality or Historical Trade Unionists with the purple mask in defense of gender equality by casting pests against joy.
Isabel Gallego, an interim teacher of English and affiliated with UGT: “We see Dejadez in the ministry. I should have acted more quickly.”
At the side of it was Flor Rodríguez, interim of secondary mathematics, belonging to the same union and with the same discontent: “The decree of the Ministry benefits the experience and simplifies the test. We expected that it would have been approved to facilitate entry.”

Maribel Loranca, responsible for UGT education, spoke of “lack of leadership of the Ministry of Education” and “Low Will of the CCAA to address a problem of serious temporality that affects the educational system.”

The background of the matter lies in a war of interest among the interns – defended by the unions – and the opponents – promoted by the academies – who has caught in the central government.
The Ministry agreed in December with the trade unions and the CCAA a change in access to teaching function to reduce the high temporality of this sector, from around 25%, and approve for the month of April a new royal decree in which
Access conditions are modified to regularize the situation of thousands of interim teachers.
The draft contemplates that interns can become officials simply by accessing through a mercom contest, without having to do the examination of the opposition.
It also collects that the evidence is not eliminating and tells more than before the experience, which harms young people after the race that are preparing the opposition and that they do not have points for having worked in a center.

What has happened is that up to 13 CCAA have announced their intention not to wait for this new decree and wanted to summon this year with the old criteria to give an exit to the unreported opponents who have been preparing the exam.
Asturias, Navarra, Baleares, the Valencian Community, Galicia, La Rioja, Canarias, Aragon, Murcia, Castilla-La Mancha, Andalusia, Cantabria and Madrid will not apply the new conditions this year and will continue to be governed by the ancients, which harm the interns
with experience.

The unions interpret that this is a “rebellion” in full rule of the CCAs towards the ministry, as they consider that they should have summoned under the new criteria.
Sources of the Ministry of Education ensure, however, that “the CCAA have full competitions and all the legitimacy and legal protection to start the oppositions that are currently being convened.”

“Since the fact was approved for the reduction of temporality in public employment on December 28 at the Congress of Deputies, the Ministry has been working for the modification of RD 276/2007 that regulates admission to the teaching profession and
He has begun the legal procedures for approval. As long as the real decree is still valid, they indicate these sources, which point out that, once this decree has been approved, “the CCAA will be able to carry out a second
Call with the new system “.

“With the oppositions currently in process, the CCAAs are providing both the interns, and the opponents who have finished or are ending their training and have been preparing months the oppositions. Also these young people deserve a job opportunity, that the ministry shares
fully with the CCAA, “they emphasize.
In other words: the government endorses the back door open by regional governments to favor opponents.

But that angers to the interns, who see that with the old criteria they will get half the squares that they would correspond with the new decree and augur that, in this way, “it will be impossible to reduce by 2024 the 8% temporality
As the EU forces us. ”
They do not see you meaning that the government is about to approve a law and the CCAA “jump”.
“The ministry allows, encourages or expresses an absolute disidad allowing the CCA to do their layer a Sayo,” warns Francisco García, head of CCOO education.

“The Ministry has state competences but has not exercised its coordination function or its leadership role looking elsewhere when the CCAAs have begun to call oppositions, starting with the oppositions of their party and jumping the stabilization process,” he adds.
What should have been done?
The unions claim to the Ministry that “exercises its functions and responsibilities” and make a public or institutional declaration that gives the ECCAs of the effective application of this Royal Decree in the upcoming oppositions. ”

The protest is tremendously symbolic because it points to a loss of confidence in the central government by unions that have traditionally given their support.
More and more educational voices criticize the “process of educational decentralization” in which the ministry is immersed and they wonder if it has some utility that remains standing, “when it has delegated most of the work in the CCAA.”

Mario Gutiérrez, responsible for CSIF education, speaks of “a lack of leadership not only with oppositions but on many other things, as in the application of the Lomloe, the application of the Covid Curriculums, the management of the Covid or the educational inspection”
Francisco García, for the part of him, censures that the Government has not acted against the Educational Law of the Community of Madrid.
Inaction of joy before 25% breach in Catalonia is another example.