After a brief respite earlier this week, is now clear: The hope of lower Covid-19 infections in Hesse, Germany, has smashed. Rather, the Robert-Koch-Institute reports to the weekend, a further noticeable increase. On its website read, there is according to the information of the Hessian of health offices, 203 new confirmed cases. The are about 14 percent for the whole of Germany reported new cases, of Hesse, but only on a proportion of the population of almost eight percent. The are also two dozen more than the previous day registered. A similar number of new infections was last seen in mid-April. At the time she had located the number in a few days, even more about the brand 200. Nevertheless, the short-term Trend for Hessen has unpleasant up. A County is, however, more recently, again for seven days free of new infections.

Thorsten Winter

business editor and Internet coordinator of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

good news from the disease control Committee of Robert Koch Institute: It is of 100 Recovering more than the last time and speaks well of about 11,700 people who have survived their Corona-infection. However, there are officially no other case of death, to complain in connection with the pandemic. It remains, therefore, at 526. Mathematically, come Convalescent on a Coronona victims of more than 22. And the trend is rising.

Pleasing the infection is done, but in the bird mountain circle. He has to since March, reported 149 infections, the least of all counties in the state of Hesse and is the second in the last seven days without a new case. Thus, the rural circle is the only County with a Seven-day incidence of zero. This value is calculated from the new cases among 100,000 inhabitants within a week. Six counties and all large cities except in Darmstadt last had double-digit values.

Against this Background, the country on Thursday, the mask duty until the end of October is extended to the public transport network. Events with up to 250 people were still allowed without special approval by the authorities, unless there is a hygiene concept, said Prime Minister Volker Bouffier. Notwithstanding this, a runny nose is in the future is not a criterion anymore, to send to the kindergarten children and students home. Christmas markets hygiene concepts included should be allowed under certain requirements.

A’s concerns with a view to the overall situation: How the RKI, the F. A. Z. reported that it will collect data on the number of Recovering not officially. The survey was also not provided for in the law. “However, one can assume that at least in the cases where the most information has been determined, had no severe symptoms, and were not admitted to hospital, the fact that you are at the latest to recover after 14 days”, – is spoken in Berlin. The RKI guess the number of Recovering.

The Ministry of social Affairs published a daily Overview of the Corona development, broken down by cities and districts. It refers to the Numbers of the RKI. Until a few days ago, it also took into account data of the Hessian land testing and Untersuchungsamts in the healthcare sector, the government Presidium of Giessen, the health agencies must report new cases. To achieve consistency, the Ministry of the RKI information.