currently used as storage space for unneeded aircraft of the Lufthansa used by the runway Northwest of the Frankfurt airport goes into operation again. The Deutsche Flugsicherung at the first meeting of the aircraft noise Commission since the beginning of the Covid-19 informed-crisis. This is going to be the information, according to expected in mid-July, the case. The fourth runway to be used initially only to a reduced extent.
Jochen Remmert
airport editor and correspondent of the Rhine-Main-Süd.
F. A. Z.
If the North-West runway re-used, it ends the Phase in the Frankfurt airport in Western operations alone, the flight paths of Hanau, Offenbach, Neu-Isenburg, controlled and Ostbetrieb about Mainz, Germany, Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, Bischofsheim, RUESSELSHEIM and Raunheim. From July to the aircraft noise to be more regionally distributed. So it is also in Frankfurt’s South, and in Flörsheim louder again.
The Frankfurt head of the environment Department Rosemarie Holy (Green) and citizens ‘ initiatives against the airport expansion have not yet been requested in the first reactions to take the North-West runway is back in operation. This would mean that all traffic would be handled on the old system of Parallel runways of the airport.
Thomas Jühe (SPD), Chairman of the Commission, and the mayor of Raunheim, appealed to the industry to take advantage of the opportunity that lies in the dramatic Covid-19-crisis, and to organize the restart of a modern and sustainable air transport. It is the historical opportunity for change towards a sustainable air transport was now, without causing significant economic damage, said Jühe.
Because häufender complaints about night flights, the Hessian aircraft noise protection officer of the state of Hesse, Regine Barth reported on the actual extent of and the reasons for night flight movements. Barth, it was mainly the flights, with the exception of permits to stranded tourists back, as well as flights to the procurement of urgently needed medical products such as respiratory protection masks, and the like. Barth pointed out that the number of night flights, however, significantly reduced had been.