What went on at the Frankfurt football young talent in the past few years is wrong? This question is Andreas Möller not prefer to be. He says the F. A. S.: “that’s not what I’m talking about. Far be it for me to judge the past.“ The world champion of 1990, since the beginning of October, 2019, the head of the Junior performance center (NLZ) of Concord, has, at the Ried forest in the role of the strategist and the chief superintendent is looking into the future. And as the one who must complete the restructuring with life, Möller showed neat skills. He brought a lot of new young coach with well-known names in the boat: The former pros Thomas Broich and Jerome Polenz to train from now on, the U 15, the former Eintracht striker Alex Meier is now assistant coach of the U 16, and Ervin Skela carries out the same function in the case of the U 17.

The king’s solution presented Möller this week with Jürgen Kramny. The 48-year-old former Stuttgart Bundesliga coach of Arminia Bielefeld in the second division of the action, determined in the next two years, the price of the U 19, is as the second team behind the professionals without a U 23 the flagship of the Frankfurt Junior Department in the Junior League. “When you look at the coaching career of Jürgen Kramny, it is clear to me that he is the right choice,” says Möller. In Stuttgart and Mainz the prominent New promoted for years, the youth on different positions. In this time he trained top talents such as Antonio Rüdiger (now Chelsea) or Daniel Didavi (VfB Stuttgart).

with the broad agreement of Bobic

The Möller within a few months laid down the cornerstones of the rebuild will encounter while Fredi Bobic is broad support. Finally, the Foundation will offer plenty of growth opportunities is available from Eintracht-view. The sports Board detects a “clear handwriting”. The new coach would stand for “quality”. For more than four years, Bobic to his task, even the entrenched structures of the Ried forest, to break in the East of Frankfurt, a breath of fresh air. It’s a long process of change, the included in spite of induced changes to some of the setback was. Marco Pezzaiuoli, for example, is now more as a Technical Director and U-19 coach at the Ried forest.

However, in Möller Bobic seems to have his talents-master found. The current position and orientation of the NLZ allow the sport Board to come to the conclusion that the “is the future of Eintracht Frankfurt”. Möller, in turn, is grateful for “the great support” by the football-AG: “We have now is certainly more design possibilities.” To not want to Pay Express Möller. The Budget for the NLZ is to be increased under the conveyor Bobic, the the best possible “networking” between the Pro-AG and the offspring is a great need, in recent years, but from about three million to four million Euro. “The budget is based certainly on some of the other young centers in the League. This was not in the past,“ says Möller.

At the Frankfurt young talents had to do something because there is a lack of a strong search for additional of the bottom of the League Team. The development of a traffic jam is big. Promising talents are been found of the harmony exclusively abroad. Marc Stendera was the latest Talent from our own ranks that summed up 2012 at the professionals, more or less, feet. After his exchange in 2019 to Hannover 96 midfielder is now unemployed. Regular players from the Eintracht-talent shed was only Sebastian Jung, who joined in 2014, VfL Wolfsburg. Today, young players from your own squad to be wrought mainly with professional contracts, so that the harmony of the statutes of the German football League in terms of the number of the Local Player. Or you serve as a sparring partner in the Training.

No further use or had) the Frankfurt recently for their talents Sahverdi Cetin (19 years), Patrick Finger (19) and goalkeeper Max Hinke (19. You need to prevail elsewhere. But Möller says: “In the coming years, the youth will gain more and more importance. It is very important to have a good youth concept to as many players as possible to pull up.“ It was his idea, to the respective coach positions at the U-teams is a “good mix between theory and practice”. On the one hand, with the coaches, which would operate for years, youth work, and, accordingly, “a lot of expertise” possessed. And with newcomers on the bench, which would have as a former professionals and a lot of experience and could give this “perhaps the decisive Input”. The Möller-Mix to make it: “This combination corresponds to my way of Thinking. This is our way. I can identify myself in order to one hundred percent,“ says the young chef.