It should be an Experiment with a model character for the whole event industry – “celebrate without mouth protection and safety distance”, as it was called in the invitation. The idea: in the Morning you go to the Corona Test only if the result is negative, one obtains in the evenings intake. The field trial under the Motto “Back to live” should be on 17. July in the Fred Hagen on the Sprendlinger Landstraße in Offenbach, with 250 participants start. Co-initiator of Nico Ubenauf, the Board of management of the Karben-based Event service provider Satis & Fy, stressed the constructive cooperation with the Ministry of social Affairs, the city of Offenbach and the Department of health. On request, the city stated that the health Department was pursuing “the Experiment with interest.”

Patrick Schlereth

editor of FAZ.NET.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Now, the Experiment has failed before it has begun. Apparently, it has failed to agree to the waiver of the mask and the safe distance in the event. In a press release from the city reads: “health Department Sabine has pointed out to the organizers insist that such an event with the current legal position is consistent. Because it still applies that a minimum distance must be complied with, and if this cannot be met, it is recommended to Wear a mouth-nose cover urgent.“ First, the “Frankfurter Rundschau had reported” on the end Of the event.

Upset over the “disrespectful” reports in the press

in the case of a first event under the Motto “Back to live” in the Fred Hagen at the beginning of June the health Department in an Advisory capacity stand to the side. As protection measures for the 200 guests, the organizers worked with one way markers on the ground, a traffic-light system for the toilet, a suction device for better air exchange and a distance indicator on the dance floor. Masks, guests are required to wear the safety was adhered to a distance. The distance rule on 17. July should be waived on the Basis of the tests, a violation against the “Corona-contact and operation restriction regulation,” – said in the city. The concept of the organizer, you have to learn “only after the invitation to the group of participants and the press,” the invitation was meant as an appeal of an administrative offense.

Manager Ubenauf, this can not explain the reaction of the city: “today, We are in a small state of emergency.” He comes from a misunderstanding and it seeks the dialogue with all Stakeholders, in order to save the event. In the planning of not only the city and the Ministry of social Affairs, but virologists had been involved. He uses the analogy to the Bundesliga, in order to defend the concept: “All the virologists have said, the spacing rules must be adhered to, when before it was tested.” For him, the cancellation now depends mainly on formal regulation. In a statement, it says: “We are aware that the current regulation does not include an implementation of a fast test for the exclusion of a SARS-COV-2-transmission risk, as at the time of the adoption of this possibility did not exist. The event has specifically the purpose to give to the legislature by the Pattern of action, a way out of this outdated situation.“

A return to the safety distance at the event on 17. July is not for Ubenauf question, “then we have to cancel it”. Is he upset over the “disrespectful” press reports in the run-up, in which analogies to the club scene were taken and a “Corona Party” the speech was. The concept of “Back to live” was Ubenauf, according to the organisers of corporate events, congresses and meetings.