It is a measure which aims to reduce mortality on the roads of Italy. As reported by France Info, the Italian government has been testing since this summer to offer a free taxi to people who are too alcoholic at the exit of nightclubs.

At the exit of the discotheques, the customers pass an alcohol test. If the result is positive (in Italy, the limit is 0.5 grams and even zero for those under 21), the owner of the night establishment issues a free transport voucher to his client, who is accompanied free of charge to him. This initiative is tested in six municipalities, underline our colleagues, and its transport by free taxi does not exceed thirty kilometers.

It aims to tackle a growing threat in the country, where road fatalities have particularly increased since the pandemic among young people aged 18 to 30. Currently, Italy is 19th in Europe for road deaths per million inhabitants. The measure, led by Matteo Salvini, the Minister of Transport, has until September 15 to prove itself.