The head of the Italian government declared on Sunday April 28 that she was running at the top of her far-right party’s list in the European elections. “I decided to run to head the list of Fratelli d’Italia,” Meloni said at a congress of her post-fascist party in the Adriatic city of Pescara.

“We want to do in Europe exactly what we did in Italy on September 25, 2022: create a majority that unites the right-wing forces to ultimately send the left back into opposition, even in Europe! », continued the head of government.

Georgia Meloni announced that she would be at the top of the European list after an hour-long speech during which she praised the efforts of her coalition, in power for a year and a half, to combat illegal immigration, defend the family and Christian values. “I do it because I want to ask Italians if they are satisfied with the work we do in Italy and what we do in Europe,” she said.

“I do it because in addition to being president of Fratelli d’Italia I am also leader of European conservatives who want to have a decisive role in changing European politics,” she said.