What voting Germany this Sunday?

Around 61.6 million Germans are called Sunday to the polls to choose the members of the Bundestag low camera.
Parliament decides federal laws, controls the Executive and chooses which will be the ninth Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, and successor of the so-called “Eternal Chancellor”, Angela Merkel, after 16 years of government.
In turn, elections are held on Sunday in the states of Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

How does the electoral system work?

The richest and populated country of the European Union has a system recognized for its proportionality, but also for its complexity.
Each citizen of legal age has two votes that exerts inside a single ballot.
In the first (‘Erststimme’) a candidate is chosen in each of the 299 districts of the country;
The most voted with each district directly occupies a seat.

The second vote (‘zweitstimme’) is for a closed regional list that each party presents in the 16 federal states;
This is the most important because it determines the appearance that the German Parliament will have.
The Bundestag is composed of at least 598 seats (currently has 709) and only those formations that reach at least 5% of the ballots will enter.

These two votes do not have to correspond to the same political formation, being able to reflect a trend towards what type of coalition would want voter for the country.
As for participation: exceeds 70% since 2000.

How is German Chancellor chosen?

The Constitution of the country establishes that it is the President of the Republic who proposes to the Chancellor;
This is elected by Parliament in a secret ballot that requires an absolute majority (also called ‘majority of chancellor’, as explained by the government’s official website. If you do not achieve sufficient support, in a period of 14 days
or other candidates who will also require absolute majority. If neither there is no agreement, in 14 14 days it will be voted again and absolute majority will be needed again, but have more votes than the rest. If you get ‘most chancellor’,
The President appoints it within the next seven days. On the contrary, if it is by simple majority it has the option of appointing it or dissolving the Parliament (according to Article 63.4 of the Constitution) for a new call for elections.

What are the main parties?

Up to 47 political formations participate in German federal elections, but six are the main ones: those known as Union parties, – Democratristian and Conservative Court -, the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) and its sister training, the Social Union
Christian Bavaria (CSU);
The Social Democratic Party (SPD);
The Alternative Ultraderechist for Germany (AFD);
The free democratic party (FDP);
The left (Die Linke);
And the greens (Grüne).

Who are the candidates?

The candidate of the conservative block is the president of the CDU, Armin Laschet, 60, after the withdrawal of his rival and chief of the CSU, Markus Söder. Laschet started as a favorite in the polls, with the SPD to 15 points and the green ones at 10. But the aspirant to happen to Merkel has seen the popularity of him fall into chicking. In addition to internal criticisms, a lack of course in the campaign and the overexposure of the conservative candidate, the petty of the pitch that gave him the lunge in the surveys occurred during the floods of last July, which devastated the west of the country and left almost a hundred dead . Millions of Germans saw by their televisions how Laschet, with direct responsibility in the management of the most affected ‘Land’, released as the President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, was heading to the country from the place of tragedy. In social networks, the label #laschetlacht (Laschet laughs) became viral, and the trump of criticism has been one of the lades of the campaign.

Although no candidate manages to convince 40% of undecisins and the race is adjusted, Olaf Scholz seems to be the favorite in the countdown.
Social Democratic aspirant, Vicecanciller and Finance Minister of the current executive, 63, has conquered voters with concise and direct slogans: ‘Scholz Packt Das An’ (Scholz addresses him), ‘Respect Für Dich’ (Respect for You)
o ‘Kompetenz für Deustchland’ (competitions for Germany).
The oldest party leader in the country has opted for a customized campaign centered on the figure of him and for giving an image of experience and reliability that seems to have sought.

Annalena Baerbock (40 years old), from the Greens, was profeed in April as the most as possible successor of Merkel.
“Annalena is a combative woman, focused and strong will,” she declared her colleague Robert Habeck after leaving him the free way in the chancellory race.
However, in just one month the image of her collapsed by a plagiarism scandal from a book.
Although the party was defended by alleging “a defamation campaign”, the lack of rigor is not forgiven in Germany.

The Ultraderechist AFD presents a bicycle candidacy composed by Alice Weidel (42) and Tino Chuckalla (46).
The victory of ultras aspirants ended – by 71% of the votes versus 24% – with the aspirations of moderate Joana Cotar and Joachim Wundrak.

Die Linke, the other German extremist party, also presents a double candidacy with Janine Wissler (40) and Dietmar Bartsch (63).
And the FDP liberals aspire to have a key role in future negotiations to create coalitions, with President Christian Lindner (42).
The training was a coalition partner of the second Government of Merkel, before staying outside the Bundestag in the 2013 elections by not exceeding the 5% threshold of the votes.

What does each promise?

The CDU program is based on not uploading taxes and promoting the economy and infrastructures without neglecting the defense of the environment.
In addition, Laschet promises to make the AFD “a party as small as possible”.

In the SPD road map also highlights the fight against climate change, in addition social measures aimed at workers and middle classes: it promises a minimum wage of 12 euros per hour (now 9.60) and access to rentals with
the construction of more housing and cheaper;
At least 400,000 a year, 100,000 social type.

Greens focus their proposal in ecology.
They want a ministry for the protection of the climate that is entitled to veto, reduce speed on motorways and millionaire investments in renewables to end coal in 2030.

The AFD advocates the exit of the European Union, use of coal and nuclear energy, rejection of immigration and refugee regrouping and mandatory military service.
At the other end, Die Linke, as the Barttsch candidate says “make politics for those who drive a pole, not a Tesla.”
The German left proposes: End all external military missions and replace NATO by a collective security system that includes Russia, eliminate coal, minimum wage of 13 euros the time or set rental prices, among other measures

And the Liberals of the FDP, traditional hinge party, aspire to the reduction of taxes, promote education, and limit the possession of two passports to limit double nationalities.

What repercussion do the elections have in Europe?

Regardless of which party Gane and the resulting coalition, Germany will remain the strong partner of the EU of European vocation.
It is about to see what happens in the French presidentials of 2022 to find out what state is the German Franco axis as a motor of the Union.