WASHINGTON Rep. His wife, Jim Hagedorn (Republican from Minnesota), announced that he died on Thursday night at the age of 59. He was battling renal cancer.

Jennifer Carnahan stated Friday that nothing can prepare you for the unbearable pain, intense sorrow and suffocating grief that will consume your entire body and soul when your forever love dies. However, we can still smile knowing Jim is encouraging us to chase our dreams, love unconditionally, and fight for the country.

She said her husband loved the country and was proud to represent the people of south Minnesota.

He lived his dream every day by helping others. Carnahan said that there was no more conservative person in the state than my husband. It showed in his voting, leadership and fighting for our country.

In January, the congressman was positive for Covid-19. He claimed he was vaccinated, and that he was only experiencing mild symptoms. His wife did not know what caused his death.

Hagedorn was diagnosed with stage 4 renal cancer in February 2019. After undergoing numerous tests at Mayo Clinic, he announced that the cancer had returned last July.

“The new diagnosis was unexpected considering that 14 weeks ago, no cancer had been detected.” He said that he was a cancer survivor and knows how to fight the disease every day. “Even the best recoverys can present unexpected challenges, like what I’m facing.”

Kevin McCarthy, R.-Calif. House Minority Leader, grieved the loss of his colleague in a Friday statement

He said that Jim “lived and breathed the spirit a determined optimism that is embedded into the American way to life all the way until the end.” Jim worked tirelessly to improve the lives of his constituents, and those of fellow Americans, even as he battled cancer. He put others before himself.

Hagedorn was a member of Congress since January 2019, representing Minnesota’s 1st district. This is a rural area bordering Wisconsin, Iowa, and South Dakota. Tom Hagedorn was his father and served in Congress between 1975 and 1983.