Two ears for the Mexican Miguel Aguilar, one for his compatriot Octavio García El Payo and none for the Spaniard Julián López El Juli was the result of the fourth celebration of the Anniversary Fair 75-76 of Plaza México that took place this Saturday

The bulls of Begoña and San Miguel Mimiahuapa well presented and meek.
Some 40,000 fans went on Saturday to Mexico.

Grandilocuent name bulls How eternal love, of good stamp but of a medeble and meekness difficult not to perceive without any need to be demanded, marked the general tonic of the enclosure.

The bullfighters on their part interpreted their work with an excess of self-indulgence and apparent satisfaction.

This was the case of the tremendous attitude of the young Miguel Aguilar, who took the alternative, which exempt him in part of responsibility for his excessive representation.

Before the sixth bull, with which Aguilar managed to open the large door, the afternoon had elapsed in the limits of the anger.

Fans filled by the numbered, demonstration of the call capacity of the Juli in Mexico, until that last bull, had set their attention on the meekness of the bulls.

The whistles accompanied the trawls.
Not only the lack of caste of the Begoña and San Miguel Mimiahuapan emphasized those present.
They did not like the lyrics of the lights.

Julián López The Juli in his two regulatory bulls wrecked with the crutch at the lack of caste of his rivals.
The first after a few removes by adjusted chicuelinas he made a task by pulling the bull with the crutch placed and short passes when not incomplete that they still received the Solé from the public.
The notorious use of the animal cooled the environment.

With his second the thing finished worse as the Madrid with an exhausted bull, after a tasting work, he offered a puncture recital with great line in the lyrics that claimed the announcements as the Matador showed inability to correctly kill the animal.
The supplication ended with a desk and whistles for bullfighter and nasty.

Julián tried to amend the afternoon requesting a gift bull.
The error with steel deprived him of an assured triumph thanks to a tremendous and very expensive task.

Always with the opposing leg, very broad the arc of his legs, on top of the head of San Miguel Mimiahuapan, stole passes that excited those present as the meekness of the Toro gave him a pinch of apparent to what the Juli did.

Front circulars of ugly stamp and no quiet lirattud.
Then came another puncture.
The greeting from the media generated division of opinions.

The final tremendousness of López had an antecedent on the two ears of Aguilar.

After not achieving the triumph with which he opened Plaza the young man who was a doctor who made a sprawled task quoting in parallel.
He achieved two tandas linked without crossing too much, with unnecessary poses and dances between tandas, more gestures of end value, very on top of the bull, without accompanying them at risk or fixing.

A rear and detached thrust was enough to passort to the bull and get two ears.
There were some protests.

Many more raised the ear of Octavio García El Payo without reason.
While the task of him was not round, the mexican who made the Mexican and the crew of him at the fifth man was canonical, starting with the firm vara that Daniel Morales applied to a bull who took the Puya convincing.
With skill the young picador managed to defile and fix the buriel.

He continued the Brea a third of sober banderillas without moving to the meek.
Finally the payo kept the animal with a certain purity in the crutch.
Some pass was of quality.
The colophon: a meritoria lid receiving.
Despite the sum of reasons, the ear walked it among many protests.

The ears given by the box will serve to cover the two unjustifiable slow drags they received a couple of meek