29 years the first, 18 the second;
They are Mahmood and white, the triumphant of the Sanremo 2022 festival and those that will predict Italy will represent Italy at the Eurovision Festival, which this year will be held in Turin after the victory last year of the Italian Group Zaneskin.
His Brividi (chill) lunged from the first gala of the Festival to Press and Public.
They were always the favorites and last night they got what could not be otherwise, winning victory.
Only Elisa and Giani Morandi, second and third respectively, could make some shade, but just something.
The changes and improvements that both have been adding during the four galas of the Sanremo Festival made it impossible for them to be the most voted by the public in the last gala and that they did not become the new phenomenon of Italian music.

For once, who enters Sanremo as Pope does not come out like Cardinal.
Mahmood and white, super favorites from the beginning, won with merit and clarity the 72nd edition of the most important Italian singing festival.
They convinced the public, not only the youngest, who have voted with incredible percentages, and that is already downloading the song on all platforms;
They almost convinced the press room, which gave them the second place, only behind Ellisa;
and convinced the demos vote that victory gave them without hesitation

“I do not understand very well what is happening, it is as if we were in a bubble,” confessed Mahmood, who has already won the Sanremo Festival in 2019 and was second in Eurovision of that same year, before the penultimate gala this Friday.
It is not surprising the words of him because Brividi, white and Mahmood has been simply impressive.
Not only is the favorites from the beginning of the Sanremo 2022 festival, is that his song immediately jumped to the first place in the FIMI ranking of the best-selling singles in Italy and also “broke” the ratings in streaming, establishing the Italian record
Absolute reproductions in the first 24 hours at Spotify and entering the top 10 of the World List.
A phenomenon of which there are no precedents.

Brividi is a song that covers all facets of love and that in a very short time has generated a symbiosis between both singers that transcends the stage and the screen.
In the song, even its different visions of the feelings, one more ethereal, the other more carno, have merged perfectly, plasmando the idea that you can love in a universal sense.
“The theme is that of freedom in a universal sense. In 2022 we can no longer stay close to retrograde, we need to be able to dignify all the options and I hope that more than us the artists who have a leading role in Italy we do. Our generation
Live and think freely. We are tired of people trying to judge others, “explained Blanco, the youngest artist in the story to win Sanremo.

The birth of Brividi, according to the corriere della will be short before starting the festival, it occurred spontaneously and almost unexpectedly: “We found ourselves this summer by chance in the study by producer Michele Zocca. The chorus was born from a wrong chord in
The piano. Then each one worked the verses to count not only of love but of feelings according to our respective points of view, “he told white.
Turning to see after a few months, the two composers immediately found the right chemistry, despite the age difference and the different characters, mahmood quieter, while white, wilder and unpredictable, although incredibly centered for the age of it

No doubt you can say high and clear that love has expired in Sanremo.
A Sanremo festival that as each edition becomes a show, not only about music but about festivals.
Last night, in addition to the victory of Mahmood and white, there were two protagonists above all: Raffaella Carrà and Sabrina Ferilli.
The first, because he was already squeaking that in any of the Galas of the Sanremo Festival he would have been tribute he deserves.
The reality is that the festival had left the pump for the end.

The festival has wanted to remind the famous and popular artist, whose death on July 5 shocked not only Italy, but also to Spain and Latin America, with the launch of the musical in the Silver of the Theater Ariston, headquarters of the contest that “the
Carrà “, as he knew her affectionately, presented in 2001. An explosion to what Carrà who left the Ariston public speechless.

“16 dancers plus 1, as Carrà would have said” With iconic songs of the artist, as it explodes, to do well the love or party, among others filled the stage with the strength that Carrà always gave off.
Raffaella vibrated from the Ariston Sillation to return strong and full of energy in the heart of Italians.

But it was not the only minimum of the night of a festival that in each edition surprises even more with what happens on stage.
The other great protagonist was the Sabrina Ferilli actress and that of her monologue “non-monologue”, very applauded by public and criticism.
“When I found out about the monologue, I asked myself some questions, these two years have been very hard and have done so many monologues … and then, many of the most beautiful issues have already been touched by my talented colleagues, what could
Say? “He started his performance sitting next to Amadeus, presenter of the Sanremo Festival, on the stage stairs.

After citing many of the topics that are today in the center of the target (feminism, love addictions, inclusion …) decided to finish the monologue “non-monologue” quoting the great Italo Calvin: “But why?
presence has to be necessarily linked to a big cosmic problem to justify the fact that I am here? I am here for my work, my choices, my loves and my friends. In the end I thought the best to accompany me on stage was this, our

And Ana Mena?
The Spanish singer, who already only the fact of having been part of the 25 artists elected to the Sanremo 2022 festival has made history, she was not all good that we would like her to have stayed.
Nor is the barefoot of the song of her Duecentomila Oreportque, he never liked to the press, nor to the vote demonstrated or televoto.
In all the galas she was between the penultimate and last place, and last night she finished the penultimate only ahead of Tananai and her session of her.

Things like they are, the song by Ana Mena, who has had a great reception in Italy, was not a good song for Sanremo, although everything points to what is going to become a success in musical lists.
Last night he tried from all possible ways to improve the voting of the previous days and add more points, he did not get it.

But what Ana Mena did is that a Spanish one plants on Sanremo’s stage as a candidate and sang in front of more than 11 million people not only his owncentomila pray, but the very IL world.
The result, yes, was a disaster;
Ana Mena, no.