Was Benjamin Griveaux trapped by Alexandra de Taddeo? According to L’Obs, he himself answered the investigators to this question by saying that “the only thing he knows is that she recorded them”, the videos. Intimate images that were broadcast on the internet, prompting him to withdraw on February 14 from the race for mayor of Paris.

READ ALSO >> Griveaux case: the intriguing messages from Alexandra de Taddeo

Auditioned by the brigade for the repression of delinquency against the person (BRDP) after having filed a complaint against X for invasion of privacy on February 15, the ousted candidate also explained that he had sent “between five or six videos” on the Messenger application, between May and August 2018, without being completely certain. Only two have been released publicly.

Benjamin Griveaux still recounts having met only once Alexandra de Taddeo, indicted in the investigation, and never having met Piotr Pavlenski, also indicted for “invasion of privacy by recording or transmission of the image of a person of a sexual nature” and “dissemination without the consent of the person of a recording relating to words or images of a sexual nature and obtained with his consent or by himself “..

The former LREM candidate then says he wanted to put an end to the “epistolary relationship” he had with the young woman, which she would have “perfectly” understood, “and until a month and a half ago, I had no news”, he continues, still according to the weekly.

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The Russian activist claimed to have “stolen” the sex video of the ex-candidate “from the computer” of his girlfriend Alexandra de Taddeo. The artist thus confirms the version of his companion, who admitted to being the recipient of the sex videos while rejecting any responsibility for their dissemination.