The high representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, spoke this Saturday with Spanish General Aroldo Lázaro, head of the United Nations mission in Lebanon (UNIFIL), about the risk of escalation on the so-called blue line, the border between Lebanon and Israel.

“I have been informed by UNIFIL Lieutenant General Aroldo Lázaro, head of the mission, about the current risk of escalation on the blue line. I have reaffirmed the EU’s strong support for the UN mission, which plays a crucial role in the prevention and mitigation” of these tensions, Borrell indicated through his account on X, formerly Twitter. The head of European diplomacy stressed “the commitment” of that mission.

For his part, Aroldo Lázaro also indicated on Twitter that the meeting with Borrell addressed “the current situation on the blue line and the importance of preventing further escalation.” “Seeking a diplomatic solution is not only possible, but essential,” Lázaro stressed.

UNIFIL is the interim force of the United Nations, which since February 28, 2023 has been under the command of Spanish General Aroldo Lázaro. The mission has among its tasks to monitor the cessation of hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel to guarantee peace on the border between Lebanon and Israel.

There are 650 Spanish troops who are part of that United Nations force, which tries to maintain security levels, as they have done since the armed confrontation between Israel and Hamas began on October 7.

The first Spanish soldiers landed in Lebanon on September 15, 2006 and since then their number has varied. As of 2012 it remains between 600 and 700.

Borrell also met this Saturday with the Lebanese Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, and with the Foreign Minister of this country, Abadalá bou Habib.

The high representative of the EU warned that “even war has rules” and asked that Israel use other means to eliminate the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas that do not lead to the death “of so many innocent people.”

“Even war has rules and there are international humanitarian norms that have to be respected. As I have said many times, one horror does not justify another,” said the Spanish diplomat in a press conference with the Lebanese Foreign Minister.

“Israel has declared a war to eradicate Hamas, there must be another way to eradicate Hamas that does not mean that so many innocent people die,” considered the head of European diplomacy.

“It is imperative to avoid a regional escalation in the Middle East, it is absolutely necessary to prevent Lebanon from being dragged into a regional conflict,” Borrell also stated during his appearance.