The Guinean government announced, on Wednesday January 10, a gradual normalization of the country’s diesel supply thanks to the arrival of an oil tanker in the port of Conakry, whose main fuel depot had been affected by a deadly fire on the night of December 17 to 18, 2023.

A temporary supply via Sierra Leone has been underway since the fire which killed 24 people and injured 454 others, according to the latest official figures, but fuel distribution remains limited to 25 liters per vehicle and 5 liters per motorcycle and tricycle.

The event profoundly disrupted economic activities. “We have not yet reached the end of our troubles, but the resumption of supplying the country with diesel through our own installations is a real breath of fresh air,” declared Prime Minister Bernard Goumou, who spoke arrived on Wednesday at the Conakry oil dock, according to a government press release. “The docking of this boat at the port is a sign that Guinea is gradually getting back on its feet after the terrible tragedy that struck it,” he declared, once again inviting the populations to be calm and patient. .

” Step by step “

The government did not specify where the tanker came from. According to government spokesperson Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, interviewed Tuesday evening on national television, an agreement concluded with a private company with the facilitation of the government of Sierra Leone had allowed a partial resumption of supplies from this neighboring country.

“Nearly 120 tanker (trucks) have left Sierra Leone and are gradually supplying the city of Conakry and certain prefectures in the interior of the country. And so, the gasoline crisis is being resolved little by little,” he said.

Ivory Coast also committed, at the end of December, to delivering 50 million liters of gasoline per month to Guinea. “However, we really need to find these trucks,” the spokesperson said. “In the next two days, Guineans will have diesel at the stations. As for gasoline, it still takes time,” he added.