In the Ministry of Finance are clear about the options in which the Government works to reduce the receipt of Light: “The extension of the fiscal measures already adopted and that they beat at the end of the month.”
That is, which will maintain the volume of the VAT from 21% to 10%, and the reduction of the tax on electricity production and the special tax on electricity.

The affirmation by the department that directs María Jesús Montero is important because, on the one hand, specifies what the actions that will be carried out, and, on the other, because it clarifies what was targeted by the third vice president, Teresa Ribera.

At the press conference after the Council of Ministers held this Tuesday, the minister for the ecological transition and the demographic challenge advanced that the fiscal measures in which they work could “not necessarily” be “applied, to which government sources
They have subsequently added that it will apply an extension albeit “weighted”.

Sources of the Ministry of Finance, however, are much clearer and affect: “What will be approved in the upcoming advice of ministers is online with what was already approved. There is no more”.
According to their estimates, tax rebates approved to measures of this year before the unstoppable rise of the price of light have allowed a savings of 2,000 million euros to consumers.

The figure is remarkable, so much that it will greatly exceed the impact of new taxes that the Government has created this year.
Figures such as the Google rate or the Tobin rate have been far from the estimates of Finance, eviding that they were inflated.
But even so, the tax collection is heading to mark a new historical maximum at the close of 2021, driven especially by the almost 100,000 million that will reach the IRPF.

In the Council of Ministers of this Tuesday, the First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, has also reported that 73% of the European funds planned for 2021 and the commitment reaches 64

This has been pointed out by the first vice president at a press conference after the meeting of the Council of Ministers in which he has put into value that the “good march” in the execution of the plan has made Spain the first country to receive the positive preliminary evaluation
From the European Commission for the transfer of funds by milestones and objectives complied with for an amount of 10,000 million euros, which expects to receive in “the next weeks”, reports Europa Press.