For the first time in the history of the United States, a former president had to comply with the “mugshot”, this photo of legal identification taken at the time of an incarceration. Inevitably, this photo of Donald Trump made the rounds of the media and social networks. The current tenant of the White House, Joe Biden, had remained in the background of this affair. Asked by the press during a trip to the West Coast, the Democrat confirmed having seen the image “on television”. Relaunched, he agreed to comment, with a smile on his face, in two words, on the photo of his predecessor: “Handsome kid”, he said. A sequence spotted by BFMTV.

Donald Trump has been charged with trying to influence the outcome of the Georgia election in 2020. Eighteen other people met the same fate as the Republican, vying to be his camp’s new candidate in 2024, despite multiple cases that he drags.

Barely released from the notoriously unsanitary Fulton County Jail, Donald Trump denounced a “travesty of justice” and “election interference” by the authorities of the State of Georgia who indicted him. “I didn’t do anything wrong,” he asserted.

The legal setbacks are piling up for the former American president, charged with criminal charges for the fourth time in less than six months. The septuagenarian is accused in New York of suspicious payments to a former porn actress, and by federal justice of electoral pressure during the 2020 presidential election, as well as the negligent management of confidential documents. The former president has pleaded not guilty in all of these cases.