The Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Health in Ciudad Real has activated the corresponding food and epidemiological health protocols to decree the causes of an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis in a residence for the elderly in the municipality of La Solana that, for the moment, has been claimed, two fatalities and leaves ten other people affected.

As reported by the regional government, the Epidemiology Section of the Health Delegation received a call this Tuesday morning from the Emergency Service of the Manzanares Hospital reporting two cases of acute gastroenteritis, one of which had died in the center hospital, and seven other cases in the aforementioned residence.

In communication with the residence, they were informed of the death of another person last Sunday in the residential establishment itself.

The onset of symptoms in the first case was that same Sunday and the clinical picture of the two cases who attended the hospital and the one who died at the residence consisted of gastroenteritis with initial diarrheal stools and the presence of bleeding in the stool, with deterioration of the general condition. .

So far, in addition to the two people who died, there are ten other people affected. One of them remains admitted to the hospital, another seven are in the residence and two others are workers.

Currently, all of them present mild symptoms and some of them have even completely remitted.

The Health Delegation has requested information on the affiliation data of all cases from the residence; the date and time of onset of symptoms; Food consumed in the 72 hours prior to the onset of symptoms; and the distribution of cases in the center’s dining room.

Likewise, the distribution of the rooms of the cases has been required and if the personnel who care for them coincide and the residence services have been informed of the need to take samples for stool culture of the detected cases.

Likewise, the Food Safety section has been contacted so that they can take the appropriate measures, and the official veterinary services have carried out an inspection of the residence facilities.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project