Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – In the process of the “NSU 2.0” threatening letter, the co-plaintiff and defense criticized the public prosecutor’s office in their pleadings before the Frankfurt Regional Court. The lawyer for the member of the Bundestag Martina Renner (Die Linke), unlike the prosecution, saw the facts as a particularly serious coercion. The threatening letter against her client as a member of parliament is also an attack on democracy, she said on Thursday, without demanding a specific penalty.

On Monday, the public prosecutor’s office had demanded a prison sentence of seven years and six months for the accused Alexander M. He should be sentenced, among other things, for insult and attempted coercion, disturbance of the public peace and incitement to hatred.

M.’s defense lawyers accused the public prosecutor’s office of not addressing the results of the evidence in court in their pleadings, but only addressing the preliminary investigation. She is primarily concerned with “distracting abuses in small parts of the Frankfurt police force”. In addition, the public prosecutor’s office had made a “disproportionately high penalty demand”. Most of the offenses alleged against the defendant are misdemeanors, not crimes.

According to the public prosecutor’s office, M. is the author of a total of 81 threatening letters sent by email, fax or SMS to lawyers, politicians, journalists and representatives of public life and signed “NSU 2.0”. The public prosecutor also holds M. responsible for bomb threats against courts.

M. had rejected the allegations in the process. The sender “NSU 2.0” alludes to the right-wing extremist terrorist cell National Socialist Underground (NSU). The first addressee of the letters was the Frankfurt lawyer Seda Basay-Yildiz, who represented relatives of victims of the right-wing extremist terrorist murders as a joint plaintiff in the Munich NSU proceedings. During the investigation into the threatening letter, the investigators came across a chat group with right-wing extremist content in the Frankfurt police station, where Basay-Yildiz’s personal data had been retrieved.